53% of Africans are willing to accept military takeover if elected leaders abuse power – Afrobarometer report
“On average across 39 countries, support for democracy remains robust: Two-thirds (66%) of Africans say they prefer democracy to any other system of government, and large majorities reject one-man rule (80%), one-party rule (78%), and military rule (66%),” the report stated.
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According to the latest edition of the Afrobarometer report (2024), titled ‘African Insights: Democracy at risk – People’s perspective’, more than half of Africans (53% across 39 countries) are willing to accept a military takeover if elected leaders abuse power for their own ends.
This is among findings contained in the 44-page report.
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“On average across 39 countries, support for democracy remains robust: Two-thirds (66%) of Africans say they prefer democracy to any other system of government, and large majorities reject one-man rule (80%), one-party rule (78%), and military rule (66%),” the report stated.
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It noted that, “across 30 countries surveyed consistently over the past decade, support for democracy has declined by 7 percentage points, including by 29 points in South Africa and 23 points in Mali. Opposition to military rule has weakened by 11 points
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across 30 countries, most dramatically in Mali and Burkina Faso (by 40 and 37 points, respectively).”
The reported added that, “Growing majorities call for government accountability and the rule of law, and support for other democratic norms has held steady over the past decade, including presidential accountability to Parliament, multiparty competition, presidential term limits, and media freedom.”
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