The US$34.9 Million Ambulance Spare Parts Bombshell

The company, incorporated in April 2020, after the commissioning of the ambulances, was allegedly handpicked without undergoing a competitive procurement process.

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Unimpeachable intercepted documents from the Ministry of Finance have uncovered a scandal of monumental proportions, listing as one of the items on the menu of exposes being saved by Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Ablakwa Okudzeto.

The scandal revolves around a jaw-dropping US$34,904,505.00 allocated for the procurement of spare parts for ambulances, with Service Ghana Auto Group Limited being at the center of the storm.

The controversy stems from a letter dated 9th February, 2024, approved by the outgoing Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, for the hefty payment to Service Ghana Auto Group Limited.

This decision, made only days before Ofori-Atta’s departure from the Ministry, has raised eyebrows and sparked outrage among Ghanaians already reeling from previous financial mismanagement scandals.

The approved amount, equivalent to GHS538 million, was intended for the purchase of spare parts for 307 ambulances procured by the government in 2019.

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However, an analysis of the transaction reveals an alarming cost of US$113,695.456.00 per ambulance, far exceeding the market value of new, fully equipped ambulances from reputable dealers.

Further scrutiny into the dealings with Service Ghana Auto Group Limited has unearthed a trail of questionable practices.

The company, incorporated in April 2020, after the commissioning of the ambulances, was allegedly handpicked without undergoing a competitive procurement process.

Moreover, parliamentary oversight has revealed that the company has received substantial payments totaling GHS115,342,573 for servicing the ambulances between 2020 and 2023.

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The Auditor-General’s damning findings in a special audit report highlighted various malpractices by Service Ghana Auto Group Limited, including inflating invoices, breaching maintenance schedules, and utilizing National Ambulance Service staff for its maintenance activities.

Despite these revelations, the government proceeded to award a new contract worth US$34.9 million to the same company, raising serious questions about the protection of public funds and value-for-money considerations.

As concerns mount over the mismanagement of public resources, calls for accountability and transparency have amplified.

The situation has prompted urgent calls for the Office of the Special Prosecutor to conduct criminal investigations into the scandal, with promises to hold those responsible for financial impropriety to account.

The unfolding saga has reignited debate over the integrity of government procurement processes and the need for stringent oversight to prevent exploitation and corruption. Ghana, already grappling with a history of financial scandals, faces a critical juncture in safeguarding public resources and upholding ethical governance practices.

The saga of the US$34.9 million ambulance spare parts scandal serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges in combating corruption and ensuring accountability in the management of public funds.

Mind boggling details revealing close links with the President, Akufo-Addo shall be released in the coming episodes.


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