NDC loses Volta Region over John Mahama’s “Akple” Insult

In shaa ALLAH, the stars are closer for him to reach than victory in these elections. This time round, he should be retired to the chores of Madam Lordina Mahama’s kitchen, especially the “driving” of banku and “AKPLE”!

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It is a matter of identity and reverence that people anywhere in the world are dearly attached to their culture and traditions, especially the culinary aspect. Likewise, it is an intrinsic characteristic of callous individuals or groups of unholy dunderheads to spit in the very plate that they eat out of. Then again, we cannot blame the latter much in their prominence because it is the former that have allowed them the space to suffer them that scorn!

How can John Mahama be let off the hook with such an insult as to refer to “Akple” derogatorily as if it is a mix of dung? To say that NPP is going to launch an “Akple” manifesto in Takoradi is a flying insult that breaches all norms of decorum, and violates every rule in the matter of social adhesion and tolerance. That, to me, makes mockery of Voltarians and the region as a whole, which is referred to as the “vote bank” of the NDC!

In comparison, nowhere in the statements and messages that Dr Bawumia had put across to the electorate, so far, have sounded cynical of a people and their traditions. So far, the NPP flagbearer’s message has been a balsam to the woes of those who were utterly neglected by the NDC during their unfortunate eight destructive years that Ghanaians ended loudly in December of 2016.

Akple, hmm, is a most delicious mix that many people of all races and traditions love in Ghana especially those who do not like the cassava flour mix in their banku. And, YES, it is, proudly, an Ewe delight. Personally, Akple is my favourite dish that I consume, repetitively, when I am in the Volta Region, so how can it be used as an insult to look down upon NPP’s manifesto? Why did he not use a Gonja dish to drum his ugly noise? In Ghana, there is no more room for divisiveness, not even a single square inch of tolerance in this regard, but the nerve to insult Voltarians in the face while prominent Chiefs were in State is outrageous enough to warrant his ban from the Volta Region.

John Dramani Mahama has not gotten over the fantastic losses he suffered at the hands of His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in 2016 and 2020! His indecorous manner of campaign smacks of an eccentric braggart, walking on a bed of nails, shouting ouch, ouch, ouch with every step because he knows that he cannot continue the fight. Let him know that it is an honour to be associated with Volatrians, and it is an even bigger honour to be the servant of the people of Ghana that Dr Bawumia is seeking to achieve.

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Yes, Presidents are the servants of the people of their land. Everything that His Excellency the president, Nana Akufo-Addo, has done is nothing but in honest service to the people. Let everyone know that when ALLAH wills your downfall, it is not because he is manifesting wickedness. ALLAH is not wicked, but the soul of mankind is, and the evil actions of each individual are like the sword that stands erect so that when they, finally, fall they do so on their own gadget of suicide. Similarly, their good deeds are like a visa-free diplomatic passport that will lead them into the bliss of a heavenly abode, which we shall experience, in shaa ALLAH, under a Bawumia Presidency!

Never mind this divisive uncouth former president, John Mahama, who for as long as he was President insulted Ghanaians with the “baloney” and “nincompoop” comments! Even beyond his Presidency, in his relegation to the trash of history, he continues to insult the traditions of the very people on whose votes he banks to win the December 2024 elections. How insensible and insensitive is that?

In shaa ALLAH, the stars are closer for him to reach than victory in these elections. This time round, he should be retired to the chores of Madam Lordina Mahama’s kitchen, especially the “driving” of banku and “AKPLE”!

By Fadi Dabbousi


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