Journalists Deserve Respect: Jeorge Wilson Kingson responds to Atta Akyea’s Disparaging Comments

The journalism community and the public await Atta Akyea’s response to this criticism, hoping for a retraction and apology for his remarks.

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In a recent development that has stirred significant controversy, Member of Parliament for the Abuakwa South constituency, Samuel Atta Akyea, has faced criticism from the journalism community for his disparaging comments about the role of journalists in Ghana. Atta Akyea’s remark that “Ghana needs an economist, not a journalist” in the context of the upcoming presidential elections has been condemned as condescending and reflective of a flawed understanding of journalism’s role in society.

Jeorge Wilson Kingson, a prominent editor and advocate for journalists’ rights, has issued a strong response to Atta Akyea’s statement. Kingson argues that the MP’s comments undermine the essential contributions of journalists, who have long been at the forefront of defending democracy, exposing corruption, and representing the voices of the marginalized.

“It is disheartening that a man of Mr. Atta Akyea’s stature would belittle an entire profession that serves as the bedrock of an informed society,” Kingson said. He emphasized that journalists are crucial in holding power accountable and ensuring transparency in governance, roles that are fundamental to a functioning democracy.

Kingson also pointed out that Ghana’s current challenges should not be attributed to journalists. Instead, he noted, it is the leadership of individuals like Atta Akyea, along with other professionals in similar roles, that has been responsible for navigating the country’s economic policies and development strategies. If the dominance of lawyers and economists in leadership positions were a solution, he argued, the country might not be facing its current economic difficulties.

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Furthermore, Kingson highlighted that effective leadership is not solely about technical expertise but also requires vision, empathy, and the ability to connect with and inspire the populace. Journalists, with their insights into public needs and concerns, often have a unique perspective that can contribute to better governance.

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Kingson expressed disappointment in Atta Akyea’s remarks and called for an apology. He stressed that Ghana deserves leaders who appreciate and respect the contributions of all professions. “It is time for Mr. Atta Akyea to recognize the value of every profession in our nation’s progress,” Kingson noted.

The journalism community and the public await Atta Akyea’s response to this criticism, hoping for a retraction and apology for his remarks.



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