We Would Not Accept EC’s Flawed Results – NDC USA

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On behalf of the NDC USA, I wish to categorically state that, the Electoral Commission’s declared results by Jean Mensa is flawed and unacceptable.

The NDC USA is fully in support and stand by  H. E. John Dramani Mahama, President-Elect,  Hon. Harruna Idrissu Majority Leader Elect, voted by the majority of the electorates of Ghana on the December 7th elections.

 NDC USA, sends a congratulatory message to President-Elect Mahama, and Hon. Haruna ldrissu Majority Leader of Parliament for a job well done.

As stated by H.E John Dramani Mahama, Hon. Johnson Aseidu Nketiah, Hon Haruna Iddrisu, the leadership of the NDC, will not and shall not accept the flawed results as announced by Jean Mansa’s EC and the members of NDC USA is fully in support of that.

We strongly urge H.E John Mahama-the President-Elect and the leadership of the party not to accept anything less than the true results of the Will of the People of Ghana in the just ended election.

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We also urge all the 140 NDC Parliamentarians-Elect to stand their grounds and not allow this incompetent Jean Mensa EC, to rob the good people of Ghana of their choice of who should represent them in the next parliament.

It is intriguing to note that this is the first time ever in the history of the fourth Republic of Ghana, that our Electoral  Commission had announced results, within 72 hours changed it more than 3 times and continues to do so thereafter without any reasonable explanation other than to rig the election for their pay masters.

Never seen or heard before that, an EC would rush to announce uncollated results from some polling stations.

First time ever the aggregate of results is more than 100% as announced by this EC.

Not to mention incorrect percentages ascribed to Candidates.

What an incompetent EC, it’s obvious, this EC does not care about the truth, but in tacit complicity with the NPP government to ensure that the results do not reflect the true will of the people but what will retain them in power.

The will of the people cannot be subverted and should not be allowed.

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We, NDC USA, hereby call on all diasporans to rise in support of the rights of the choice of the People of Ghana and urge the NDC to defend such right by any legal means possible.

We are very confident the leadership of the National Democratic Congress is very resolute in its quest to ensure the rights of the People of Ghana at the just ended election are respected.

We know that the only result that should be accepted is what the majority voted for anything less is unacceptable.

H.E John Mahama is the President-Elect.

H.E Prof Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang is the historical first female Vice-President-Elect.

Hon Haruna Iddrisu shall be the majority leader in Parliament in the upcoming parliamentary session of 2021.

Congratulations, no amount of bribery, a show of force of arms or intimidation shall win the elections, except the power of the thumb, as overwhelming and correctly expressed by the majority of Ghanaians on Monday December 7th. The cooked up, massaged figures or tabulations by this super incompetent EC led by Jean Mansa.

The NDC USA will not accept any flawed election results and continue to urge the leadership of our party not to accept such results.

The people of Ghana have spoken and the will of the people should be respected. 


Maame Aba Dadzie 

Chairman -NDC USA.

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