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GO TO COURT, go to court! Newsfile Hypocrisy

The long list of Land Looters includes several Justices, Lawyers, Lawmakers, Policymakers, Police, Security Capos, Chiefs, Civil Society, Statesmen, Diplomats, International Community, Multinational Companies...

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Ghana is Broke and looking for GHc16billion when the Auditor General reports that in 2021 alone about GHc17billion has been stolen from the public purse under the guise of misappropriation and misaplication of funds…

These monies are from poor Ghanaian taxpayers, who are frequently jailed for petty offences by judges…

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“Who stole the Money?” – Sampson Lardi Anyinenyi

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If the thieves Stealing Ghana’s money include JUDGES, what must happen to them.

The Yams and Goats bribery scandal has been overtaken by the State Cars and Land Looting by Judges.

GHc48billion has been stolen [misused] since President Akufo Addo came to office.

“Why are the thieves not before the courts?” – Sampson Lardi Anyinenyi

Yao Domelevo as Auditor General recovered GHc67million from Disallowances and Surcharges until he was hounded out of office by President Akufo Addo…

Auction of cars to judges without requisite approvals, who immorally bought $150,000 cars for as low as $5,000 while other judges bought cars for less than $1,,000…

These outrageous car purchases seem to worry Sampson Lardi Anyinenyi and his OccupyGhana friends.

The fraudulent allocation of State Lands and Bungalows that are more expensive than cars to judges and other immoral persons at even more ridiculous prices did not bother these HYPOCRITES.

Two former Chief Justices Sophia Akuffo and Georgina Theodora Woode had Article 146 Petitions because of their involvement in Land Looting.

The long list of Land Looters includes several Justices, Lawyers, Lawmakers, Policymakers, Police, Security Capos, Chiefs, Civil Society, Statesmen, Diplomats, International Community, Multinational Companies…

Significantly all the Land Looters are high profile personalities and organisations;


Justice Sophia Akuffo paid GHc7000 for prime Cantonments State Land worth millions.

Sampson Lardi Anyinenyi and his friends deemed the illegal Auction of cars to judges as a case of Causing Financial Loss to the State;

The Fraudulent Allocation of State Lands and Bungalows will also qualify as WILLFULLY CAUSING FINANCIAL LOSS TO THE STATE, per Sampson Lardi Anyinenyi and his friends.

Which COURT in Ghana will determine the case, especially when JUDGES and other high profile personalities are GUILTY?

Article 20 of the 1992 Constitution is very clear as to how LANDS COMPULSORILY ACQUIRED BY THE STATE should be returned to the Original Land Owners who have the right of first refusal…

It is unconscionable to take Land from one party, Compulsorily and hand it to another FOREVER FOR FREE…

It is criminal for a Trustee to profit from Trust Property, the President and persons connected to him [friends, family and cronies] cannot be allocated State Lands of which he is Trustee.

The fraudulent allocations of State Lands is VICIATED by the fraud and thus null and void as FRAUD VICIATES ALL.

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Interestingly, the Supreme Court in the La Mantse Nii Kpobi Tettey Tsuru II vs Attorney General landmark judgement deliberately and wrongfully interpreted of Article 20 of the Constitution of Ghana.

The Supreme Court wrongfully equated “Public Purpose” with Public Interest” thus opening the floodgates for the Land Looting.

The import of the wrongful interpretation is that a private person [Justice Sophia Akuffo for GHc7000] can be given State Lands Compulsorily taken from the La Stool Originally for a state Public Purpose, provided like [Jean Adukwei Mensa’s IEA plot c39] it builds a private hotel to profit privately because members of the public can patronise the hotel.

If the Auditor General has ordered the annulment of the auction of cars to the judges and the retrieval of the cars to the State;

The State Lands and Bungalows fraudulently allocated to Justice Sophia Akuffo and the others must be annulled and same retrieved to the State.

Sampson Lardi Anyinenyi is aware of the Sophia Akuffo Land Heist and the Article 146 Petition for her removal from office as Chief Justice which President Akufo Addo in breach of the Constitution refused to act on, yet has hypocritically refused to ever have it discussed on Newsfile or pass public comments on the illegal, criminal and unconstitutional Landgrab.

The Lands Minister, Samuel Abu Jinapor has been lamenting on national television that the people who are revered in our society go round on weekends looking for State Lands and Bungalows with little or no activity then come to his office to pressure him to allocate these prime lands to them, a phenomenon that can easily be curtailed.

State Lands attract Zero Ground Rent and Property Tax, so in addition to Stealing State Lands, the Thieves also pay no property tax or ground rent in these prime areas and get a Freehold Ownership of the land which they can put in their will to their families forever depriving the Original Land Owners of their Lands FOREVER.

Sampson Lardi Anyinenyi and others believe that the criminal aspect of these fraudulent allocation of State Assets must warrant Surcharge and Disallowance in addition to prosecution and jailing; their viewpoint cannot exclude State Lands.

The original Land Owners must be compensated by the State with EQUITY in the various business venture(s) [e.g Hotels, Hostels, Zoomlion etc] that have benefited from their lands which were used as collateral for loans to secure their private businesses over the years that the Original Land Owners did not have use of their Lands because of the State’s prohibiting them from doing so.

Those who are quick to say “GO TO COURT, go to court!” must know that THE COURTS AND BY EXTENTION THE JUDGES HAVE LOST THE NEUTRALITY IN ADJUDICATING LAND CASES because of the complicity of Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo, Chief Justice Georgina Theodora Woode, Justice Kludze, Justice Adinyera, Akua Kuenyehia and several others.

The Yams and Goats bribery scandal for which some judges were removed from office has been overtaken by the State Cars and Land Looting by Judges.

Nullify auction and recover State Vehicles…

Nullify allocation and recover State Lands.

State Lands attract Zero Ground Rent and Property Tax, so in addition to Stealing State Lands; the Thieves therefore pay no property tax nor ground rent in these prime areas and get a Freehold Ownership of the land as bonus, which they put in their will to their families forever depriving the Original Land Owners of their Lands FOREVER.

The phenomenon of transfering wealth of the State to private persons even if as Exgracia, under the guise of auctions and allocations; resulting in post revenue losses is unacceptable especially in the case of State Land and Landed property.AriseGhana Youth for your country.

Regulation 158 of the Public Financial Management Act which requires approval of the Finance Minister for an auction of a State Asset requires prior approval of the Chief of Staff.

The Judicial Secretary who is the spending officer of the Judiciary failed to get the approvals thus made the auctions illegal hence the Auditor General nullifying the auction.

READ: Section 96 of the Public Services Act and Section 83 of Public Procurement Act.

Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators.

God Save Our Homeland Ghana from IMMORAL JUDGES.


By Prince-Derek Adjei

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