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Aggrieved members want Atewa West NDC elections annulled

They further alleged that the elections were conducted through the connivance of the Constituency Chairman even though an injunction was in place and no lawful supervisory body such as the Electoral Commission and Party Electoral Committee was present

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Some aggrieved aspirants and members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Atiwa West Constituency of the Eastern Region are calling on the Functional Executive Committee (FEC) of the party to stick by its decision to annul the constituency elections held weeks ago and conduct a new election.

The aggrieved members allege that the conduct of the elections was violated.

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Addressing a press conference at Kwarbeng, the aggrieved members said: “We appeal to FEC to stand firm by their decision of annulment because the election was not credible, transparent, free and fair.”

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They further alleged that the elections were conducted through the connivance of the Constituency Chairman even though an injunction was in place and no lawful supervisory body such as the Electoral Commission and Party Electoral Committee was present.

They added the members present did not form a quorum, hence could not have proceeded with the elections.

“The election shall be conducted by the Electoral Commission under the guidance of the Electoral Commission of the party. This constitutional provision was duly violated. The EC withdrew due to the court injunction. The Chairman of the Party Election Committee did not also supervise the election.

“There was an interlocutory injunction placed on the conference, restraining it from happening. Only 320 out of the 613 delegates expected stayed for the conference. Four hundred and nine meet the requirements for a quorum. The constituency chairman blatantly disregarded this guideline and went ahead to organise the election after calling it off.”

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Spokesperson of the aggrieved aspirants James Okoi demanded that the NDC functional leadership annuls the election to avoid cracks that may affect the party’s electoral fortunes in the constituency.

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“The Sankubease election was fraudulent. If FEC fails to annul it, we will advise ourselves.”

The Secretary, Julius Caesar Gafli, says a new constituency election was the only solution to bring peaceful co-existence in the Atewa West Constituency.

“Article 38 Clause 9 (e) of our party’s constitution and regulation 7.3 have been violated upon. We need a fresh election in the Atewa West Constituency for the NDC leadership. Clearly too much violation went on. The Constituency Chairman is brandishing himself around for a fraudulent ‘ways and and means’ election. This is wrong.”

Source: 3news.com|Ghana

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