AGI launches Energy Efficiency Network to Reduce Industrial Energy costs for members 

Mr. Opoku Prempeh underscored the government’s commitment to advancing renewable energy and energy efficiency in Ghana, positioning the industrial and commercial sectors for enhanced competitiveness.

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In a strategic move aimed at mitigating escalating energy expenses for Ghana’s industrial sector, the Association of Ghana Industries-Energy Service Centre (AGI-ESC) has unveiled a groundbreaking initiative. The newly launched “Energy Efficiency Network (EEN)” seeks to champion the adoption of renewable energy sources, positioning them as a solution to curbing energy costs within the country’s industrial landscape.

This pioneering network, consisting of 12 prominent industries spanning sectors such as plastics, steel, food, agribusiness, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, is set to operate until December 2025. Its primary objective is to empower these industries to enhance their energy efficiency, thereby reducing both energy expenditure and carbon emissions. This, in turn, will bolster their competitiveness in the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

Under the EEN umbrella, each member company is poised to receive substantial technical support. This support includes a meticulous ISO 50002:2014 compliant energy audit, enabling firms to assess their potential energy and CO2 savings, estimate necessary investments, analyze economic benefits, and establish individual energy savings targets, all while evaluating the return on investment for each proposed measure.

Through this Energy Efficiency Network, industries are anticipated to realize tangible benefits such as lowered operational costs, heightened energy security, and a reduced carbon footprint. These outcomes align seamlessly with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those pertaining to Affordable and Clean Energy (Goal 7), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (Goal 9), and Climate Action (Goal 13).

At the recent launch of the network in Accra, the Minister of Energy, Matthew Opoku Prempeh, underscored the pivotal role played by the EEN in Ghana’s commercial and industrial electricity consumption landscape. The network is envisioned as a vital platform for fostering interaction and collaboration among commercial and industrial clients. Through knowledge and experience sharing, they can collectively address energy management challenges, thus fortifying their energy efficiency efforts.

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Minister Opoku Prempeh emphasized the centrality of energy efficiency in Ghana’s Renewable Master Plan (REMP), which underscores the significance of adopting energy conservation practices and promoting energy-efficient technologies. Furthermore, he highlighted the potential for monetizing emission reductions achieved through the EEN, leveraging Ghana’s Article 6.2 and 6.4 frameworks to generate additional revenue for the industrial and commercial sectors.

Mr. Opoku Prempeh underscored the government’s commitment to advancing renewable energy and energy efficiency in Ghana, positioning the industrial and commercial sectors for enhanced competitiveness.

Against the backdrop of rising electricity tariffs, Seth Twum Akwaboah, CEO of the Association of Ghana Industries, echoed the pressing need for cost-effective and sustainable alternatives. The establishment of the EEN, he asserted, would serve as a catalyst in achieving this crucial objective, enabling businesses to thrive and compete effectively both locally and on the global stage.

In essence, the Energy Efficiency Network represents a pivotal step forward for Ghana’s industrial landscape, as it strives to harness renewable energy and efficiency, fostering a more sustainable and competitive economic environment.


Source: Norvanreports

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