Aglow hypocrisy is Back: The NPP Women’s wing surrogates are back
In glowing hypocrisy they are saying that "you cannot remove the God Factor from the financial affairs of Ghana", yet Aglow is not criticising the Cathedral of Lies, Corruption and misplaced priorities that have sent Ghana into bankruptcy.
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Aglow is back with a hypocritical event a few meters from the Cathedral.
The Cathedral that in defiance of all public procurement and financial regulations is being used to steal Ghana’s money in the name of God.
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Aglow is today using AriseGhana Youth for your country as their theme song for the event;
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In glowing hypocrisy they are saying that “you cannot remove the God Factor from the financial affairs of Ghana”, yet Aglow is not criticising the Cathedral of Lies, Corruption and misplaced priorities that have sent Ghana into bankruptcy.
The new Aglow slogan is “the Lord will surely comfort Ghana…” akin to their earlier “the Battle is the Lords”.
The nauseating Hypocrisy and Dishonesty on display in Ghana, particularly among the so-called Christian Community, Civil Society, Moral Society and the gluttonous Ghanaian Media is what has emboldened corrupt politicians, Civil Servants and Public Servants to milk Ghana into bankruptcy.
The so-called Christian Community, Civil Society, Moral Society, the Media, Civil Servants and Public Servants have conspired with corrupt politicians to steal State Funds, State Assets including State Lands and Bungalows.
Many of them are in possession of State Lands which they have leveraged to become rich, yet look on as the poor have their home demolished in the name of the State claiming that they are encroachers or squatters.
“The Rich Land Looters” were fraudulently allocated State Lands and Bungalows, therefore they are actually encroachers and squatters on State Lands acquired for purposes other than being allocated to private persons.
Ghanaians are encouraging the Greater Accra Regional Minister, who is on a crusade to demolish ALL BUILDINGS ON STATE LANDS AND WATERWAYS, to extend his crusade elsewhere to these Rich Land Looters.
Did you know that, Villagio, the Accra Mall and several buildings and Hotels in that enclave are on a major water channel…
Did you also know that, the Former Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo, Yaw Osafo Maafo and many other high profile personalities are on State Lands acquired for purposes other than being given to private persons at ridiculous prices…
Did you Know that, Jean Adukwei Mensa is building a multimillion dollar hotel on plot #39 Cantonments fraudulently allocated to her IEA (Institute of Economic Affairs);
Did you Know that, former Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo and others were also allocated these prime state lands in Cantonments for as little as GHc7000 for Lands worth millions.
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Did you Know that, 52acres of Prime Airport Hills Lands were allocated to Esi Gbedemah almost for free under the watch of Samuel Abu Jinapor…
These are the people who have shortchanged Ghana into Bankruptcy and back to the IMF.
Today, more high profile personalities are stealing State Funds and State Acquired Lands under the watch of President Akufo-Addo and his Minister of Lands.
The Cantonments Civil Aviation Land is currently being stolen by faceless persons while Samuel Abu Jinapor looks on sheepishly.
Instead, Samuel Abu Jinapor sits on national television lamenting that “these powerful people who are revered in our society go round on weekends looking for State Lands and Bungalows with little or no activity then come to my office to pressure him to allocate these prime lands to them.”
Samuel Abu Jinapor must name the so-called powerful people who he alleged are Looting State Lands or RESIGN.
Ghana deserves accountability.
Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators.
AriseGhana Youth for your country!
By Prince-Derik Adjei
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