Agyaapadie, Ambulance Spareparts Scandal: Land Looting, Plundering Public Purse are part of the State Capture…
Samuel Abu Jinapor is deliberately hiding the information on the STATE LANDS AND BUNGALOWS because the high-profile personalities and organizations on that list of Land Looters are cronies, family members and business associates of State Actors.
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The Ambulance Spare parts Scandal involving business associates of the daughters of the President is a replica of the Land Looting format.
Several other serious Looting or Plundering schemes listed in the Agyapadie document are unfolding just as written years after publication lending credence to the authenticity of the document or making the authors mega prophets due to the accuracy…
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The Agyapadie document is similar to the GREAT AKYEM KINGDOM BOOK launched in 2008 by Gabby Asare Ochere-Darko when Akufo Addo became the NPP Flagbearer.
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THE GREAT AKYEM KINGDOM BOOK detailed a similar plan which echoed in Akufo Addo’s tribute to Ferdinand Ayim which he personally wrote…
The Local Government Minister, Martin Adjei Mensah-Korsah has described the private developer who has taken over the Parks & Gardens Land as an ENCROACHER.
All those taking over State Acquired Lands and Bungalows must be treated as ENCROACHERS.
The Chief Director of the Lands Ministry told the Parliamentary Select Committee on Lands that the Lands Minister has signed an illegal agreement with CLEMENCE GYATO and his Anyok Holdings Vigilante group to reclaim ENCROACHED STATE LANDS and be paid with portions of the State Lands;
The Chief Director added that this Vigilante group has been performing LANDGUARD DUTIES for the Police and Military and that Clemence Gyato has his own Judges, Media and Security Services superior to that of government.
The Polo Club has ENCROACHED THE LABADI BEACH HOTEL BEACHFRONT, which is State property and, in the process, created a Car Park that has blocked the estuary of the Kpeshie Lagoon.
Freddy Blay claims his son bought the La Beachfront from the LA TRADITIONAL COUNCIL, which has been so far silent on this very serious allegation especially as they have no capacity to deal in lands…
Unfortunately, the Lands Minister, SAMUEL ABU JINAPOR after promising on the Joy FM Super Morning Show that he will make make public within a week the full list of STATE LANDS AND BUNGALOWS;
Samuel Abu Jinapor has told the Parliament Assurances Committee that after almost three (3) years of a request from Parliament and the President;
The Lands Minister said that it is nearly impossible for the Lands Commission to compile the list of STATE LANDS AND BUNGALOWS because the records are not digitized.
Samuel Abu Jinapor is deliberately hiding the information on the STATE LANDS AND BUNGALOWS because the high-profile personalities and organizations on that list of Land Looters are cronies, family members and business associates of State Actors.
These State Acquired Lands are rather being handed over to third-party including State Actors by the Government through the Lands Commission in contravention of the Constitution of Ghana.
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Government policy is not Law, Bye-Laws and Laws of Ghana are subordinate to the Constitution of Ghana.
The Government policy of In-Filling and the Accra Redevelopment Policy are not legal, indeed the product of these policies are unconstitutional.
Beneficiaries of these policies are VOID and of no consequence.
The Land Looting amounts to plundering of the Public Purse and is directly linked to the unfolding STATE CUPTURE agenda highlighted in the AGYAPADIE DOCUMENT.
The Land Looting and fraudulent allocation of State Lands and Bungalows at ridiculous prices is a conduit for hiding proceeds of Corruption and Galamsey.
These Land Looting and the buildings and apartments springing up on these prime lands in Airport Residential area, Cantonments and Labone enclaves are directly linked to money laundering.
The President of Ghana is the TRUSTEE OF STATE ACQUIRED LANDS and therefore holds these lands in trust but not to sell to family members, friends and business associates.
Government of Ghana and by extention the Presidency is not a Land Selling entity.
State Lands must under no circumstance be sold to anybody.
When the State has no need for the State Acquired Lands or the purpose changes the Lands must be returned to the Stool which is the Pre-acquisition Land Owners.
Where no compensation has been paid as in the case of the Tradefair Acquisition which includes the Hotels and Beach Resorts along the La Beachfront are to be returned to the La Stool.
Where a State Land for which compensation has been paid reverts to the Stool, as in the case of the Cantonments Civil Aviation Land, THE LANDS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE LA STOOL which must refund the compensation paid and not the La Traditional Council which the Supreme Court has determined to be a Statutory body which has no capacity to deal in lands.
Parliamentary Committee on State Lands has recommended to Government through the Lands Minister, on 6th May, 2024 that ALL STATE LANDS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE STOOL AND NOT TO THIRD-PARTY.
President Akufo Addo must be compelled to publish the STATUS OF ALL STATE ACQUIRED LANDS AND BUNGALOWS.
Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators.
Ghanaians must demand every person aspiring to become President of Ghana and therefore the TRUSTEE OF STATE ACQUIRED LANDS AND BUNGALOWS to make public their policy position on LANDS vis a vis the ongoing Land Looting which must be captured un their written Manifesto or Social Contract with Ghanaians.
By Prince-Derek Adjei
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