Apostle Agbalenyo dilates on Evils in Society; calls for change of mind
Apostle Agbelanyoh made these observations during the observation of the church s annual celebration of its Passover ceremony at Homeda Krom, headquarters of the church.
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Spiritual Leader and Founder of Seventh day World Theocratic Congregation Apostle Dr. Kadniel E.H Agbalenyoh has observed that recent disasters such as flooding, drought, heat, Climate change and many others that occur in the world, have come about as a result of man’s attempt to replace Gods Laws with his.
He noted that because of this, God has not only stood aloof, but has also withdrawn his protection from mankind yet in the face of all these mankind has remained recalcitrant by doing his own thing as these disasters continue by the day.
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Apostle Agbelanyoh made these observations during the observation of the church s annual celebration of its Passover ceremony at Homeda Krom, headquarters of the church.
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The well- attended ceremony brought together all manner of people from across the globe; and in order to drive home the Apostle’s message it was broadcast in four (4) major Languages: English, French, Ewe and Akan. COVID 19 Observation was strictly enforced and observed.
Saints Among Homosexual Nations
Hear the Erudite Apostle; “It is religiously and politically acknowledged that the creator of the whole world, the Almighty God has abhorred unlawful human sexual activities such as fornication, adultery, divorce, remarriage and homosexuality in His congregation among the nations. It is very important to look into a few scriptures of the prophets!!.
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Exodus 25:8, 1 Kings 6:11-12, Leviticus 8:3-5, Leviticus 18:22 – 25, 1 Timothy 1:7-10, Ezekiel 9:3-6, Ephesians 5:3-5, Deuteronomy 6:24-25, and 1 Peter 1:14-16. These were read to the hearing applause and admiration of the enthused, numerous congregants there.
A swipe At World Bodies and Leaders
HE continued: “It has become extremely difficult for nations to reject homosexuality because the United Nations, United States of America, European Union and the Commonwealth of Nations have legalized the unlawful human sexuality.
“For example, If intellectuals and philosophers have rejected the Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill or should the Supreme Court prohibit the president of Ghana from signing the Bill into law, What will be the stance of the Citizenry? The saints must therefore separate themselves from the Confederated authorities, religious and political acceptance of homosexuality and get United with the Almighty God, Creator and King of the entire World. Isaiah 8:9-16 “He concluded receiving thunderous applause from his numerous enthused audience.
By S.O. Ankamah
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