Apostle Agbalenyoh exposes Pope Papacy, World Leaders over Homosexuality
“Why should all Christian churches take the Papal Homosexual Statement seriously?
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Spiritual Leader and Founder of Seventh day Theocratic World Congregation -Apostle Kadiel E. H. Agbalenyoh, has taken a swipe at the Pope, Papacy and World Leaders over what he described as their lies and hypocrisy on homosexuality.
According to him, the claim of acceptability of the practice, is a concerted effort by the afore-mentioned groups.
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In fact, Papal Homosexual statement on 18th December, 2023 should never be taken lightly. His Statement on homosexuality was endorsed by the council of cardinals including Coordinal Peter Turkson of Ghana.
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He continued, “One important thing we should know about Papal position on earth is that, he holds two important positions or offices – He is the General Overseer of Christendom, and also the president of Vatican Nation. His religious title is “His Holiness” and his political title is “His Excellency” on earth. He therefore stands tall and honoured by world leaders, including the president of Ghana” Rev 17: 17
Apostle Agbalenyoh made these revelations at the 10th Sabbath, 6020 Adults Sabbath Lesson at Homedakrom (Shalom Shalom) near Otiakrom in the Eastern Region, Last Saturday.
The Programme had the topic “Considering Papal Homosexuality”, with Isaiah 5:20 as the memorial text. It also posed questions as “Why should we consider Pope Francis Homosexuality Statement?” “What does Roman Catholic Christianity stand for? and Are there Sunday Christian Yahwists?”
In a Principal question, “Why should all Christian churches take the Papal Homosexual Statement seriously? “It gave the following responses.
“Inhabitants on earth especially religious communities must consider the Potiff Homosexual stance very seriously. It is stated in prophecy that most religious and political authorities have highest regard for the Potiff above any leader in the World only few people on earth do not regard this position among the nations, especially the Seventh Day Religious System. We are told in Rev. 17:11 – 13 that the United Nations and the Europeans Union will transfer their political authority and power to the Potiff (Vacation City) before the world ends – Rev 17”
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To yet another question, “what will happen if Papacy becomes ruler of the Religious and Political World? – Rev: 11: 7 – 10
It had this as an answer: “Death to the Sabbath Day Sabbatical Congregations. In February 1929, Premier Benito Mussolini and Cardinal Gaspari signed the treaty that Religious and Political Kingdom would celebrate its two years in AD 2029. His Political Power is older than that of the United States of America whose specific political authority started from 1903. It is faulty fully stated that European Papacy will not recognize the authority of God. It will embrace Homosexuality and persecute the Judaic Religious Worshippers on earth, The Apostate Christian community and political authority shall empower the pontiff to destroy the remnants of the Judaic Religious adherents – Rev 12:17
In yet another question, “Which powerful Political authority will enforce the mark of the European Papacy? Rev 19 – 23 it had the following response; “In AD 321, European Constantine founded the Sunday Christian Religion. It was later declared the Constitutional Religious Custom of the Roman Empire by Emperor Theodosius in AD 392 stated the entire world. Recently during the 1963 – 1965 second vacation Council, the Potiff stoutly established continuity of the Sunday Christian Custom. It is now left into democratic worship Day “for humankind on Earth”.
It continued, “Truly the United States of America would internationalize Sunday Worship in the 21st Century, just as Obama Administration Legalized homosexuality on June 26, 2015. Already, European Nations have moved the beginning of the week from Sunday to Monday thus making Sunday the 21st Century Sabbath Day.!!
It went on, “We should remember that Saturday Sabbath could never be eradicated by the powerful nations because they re-declared that Yahweh had created the Heavens, The Earth and the Sea and all within them “Exodus 20:8 –11 “
In conclusion, Apostle Agbelenyoh pointed out, “It was therefore appropriate that the Seventhday Theocratic World Congregation organize Anti- Homosexual demonstration and Forum on January 1, 2024 to propel the New Roman Year. He also expressed his gratitude to participants for honouring United Parenthood Righteousness on December 25, 2023 and Anti- Homosexuality on January 1, 2024.
“Behold, the battle against the reprobate kingdom of the 21st Century European Papacy should be joined by the faithful worshippers of the creator of the World” Rev 14:6 – 7.
By S.O. Ankamah
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