Attorney-General denies allegations of attempts to implicate NDC’s Ato Forson

Despite mounting pressure, the Attorney-General affirmed his stance to pursue the case against the primary accused, Ato Forson, without yielding.

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The Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame has unveiled intense efforts from various quarters to halt the trial concerning the purchase of ambulances, which embroils Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson.

In a dramatic court revelation, the third accused, Richard Jakpa, accused Attorney General Godfred Dame of persistently urging him to implicate Dr. Ato Forson.

During cross-examination, Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe reprimanded Jakpa for evasive responses, emphasizing the need for direct answers.

In a countermove, the Attorney-General accused Jakpa of siding with the Minority Leader, sparking a heated exchange. Jakpa alleged the AG’s after-hours contacts aimed at fabricating a case against Dr. Forson.

Contrary to allegations, the Attorney-General clarified that it was Jakpa who proposed plea bargaining in a series of letters, none of which were accepted.

The Attorney-General’s office portrayed the latest accusation as part of a larger scheme by the NDC to coerce him into dropping the prosecution or diverting attention from the case’s substance.

Despite mounting pressure, the Attorney-General affirmed his stance to pursue the case against the primary accused, Ato Forson, without yielding.

Moreover, the Attorney-General denied any attempts by his office to solicit evidence from the accused parties.

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