Atuguba and Kpebu: Attack Dogs without Canines – Shame!
Even in these difficult times brought upon us by external factors, Ghana remains better managed than it was when in the hands of the incompetent John Mahama at the time that the world was resting!
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While a nation is, fearlessly, warding off the adversities of global turmoil, and, relatively, doing better at it than others, it comes to me as a faceless attack on the sovereignty of Ghana that two supposed learned lawyers seem to have decided that the gutter is a better place of abode for them than the ridiculous blond wigs that they bop on their heads in the discharge of their duties as jargon artists of the law!
How can a Dean of the Faculty of law descend to such lowliness as his vituperations indicate while he seeks to adhere to democracy, that very discipline he desecrates with insinuations of uprisings and other violent destabilisation methods of the status quo that has stood solid with the test of time?
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Then, as if in tandem, another hound comes looking for glory. Lawyer Kpebu, with his alleged intention to contest a parliamentary seat on the ticket of the NDC, hastens to the political dumpster by claiming that President Nana Akufo-Addo presides over a criminal syndicate at Jubilee House, claiming that the first gentleman of the land is a criminal! To say the least, it makes my stomach churn to hear this come from a purported sympathiser of the criminal NDC Party, that group of liars and murderers that had nothing to offer Ghanaians in its sorry eight years than fleeing guinea fowls and erotic postures!
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I am disgusted!
Even in these difficult times brought upon us by external factors, Ghana remains better managed than it was when in the hands of the incompetent John Mahama at the time that the world was resting!
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This ingrate, in spite of his apology that seemed rather lame and insincere, must be sued and taken on by the authorities to instill some form of decorum in him, and others who have lost the ideals of Ghanaianism and good parenting. After all, what morals could such persons raise their children with. Considering his dastardly utterances, he must be dismissed from the bar and given special classes in morals and ethics.
Knowing the pedigree of the President, famous for his major contributions to Ghanaian and international law, Kpebu must have learnt something from Akufo-Addo’s landmark cases some of which are etched on the walls of the courts. Yes, we all make mistakes, but some are unforgivable and must not go unpunished because when a folly borders on the intentional attempt to sink the hard-won image of an icon as President Nana Akufo-Addo, thereby, sinking the image of our nation, then it is a matter of national duty to exact a befitting punishment to deter others from the fake bravado that they exhibit as they bleat over the radios like constipated sheep!
It is time that Atuguba and Kpebu learn some sense from the law that they tout “to have and to hold”, an irony that just gives them away as charlatans of the legal fraternity and connivers with a roguish group in the NDC that is more professional at propaganda, “dross-removal”, robbery, and murder than making any positive input in the lives of Ghanaians.
Disregard these characters with the contempt that they deserve!
By Fadi Dabbousi
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