Bolivia leads global rankings as highest risk country for cyber threats, study finds
Such findings herald a clarion call for heightened vigilance and strategic interventions to safeguard against burgeoning cyber risks, resonating with the ever-evolving digital landscape of the modern era.
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A study conducted by cybersecurity experts at, Bolivia has emerged as the top-ranked country facing the gravest cyber threats globally, boasting a concerning Cyber Safety Score of 38.39.
This revelation, gleaned from an evaluation spanning 70 nations, draws from a meticulous analysis of data from esteemed sources such as the National Cyber Security Index, the Global Cybersecurity Index, the Cybersecurity Exposure Index, and Comparitech.
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Notably, the methodology employed by not only offers a comprehensive insight into the cyber landscape but also underscores the imperative for concerted efforts to fortify cybersecurity infrastructure on a global scale.
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Such findings herald a clarion call for heightened vigilance and strategic interventions to safeguard against burgeoning cyber risks, resonating with the ever-evolving digital landscape of the modern era.
1. Bolivia: Cyber Safety Score: 38.39.
Bolivia struggles with its cybersecurity infrastructure, leading to vulnerabilities across key metrics. Bolivia’s cybersecurity readiness falls short with a National Cybersecurity Index of 31.17, a Cybersecurity Exposure Index of 21.7, a Global Cybersecurity Index of 16.14, and a Cyber Resilience Index of 77.33. Efforts are needed to address weaknesses and enhance resilience against cyber threats.
2. Honduras: Final Cyber Safety Score: 41.24
Honduras faces significant cybersecurity challenges, reflected in its low scores across all indices. Honduras is vulnerable to cyber threats with a National Cyber Security Index of 22.08, Cybersecurity Exposure Index of 39.7, Global Cybersecurity Index of 2.2, and Cyber Resilience Index of 81.83. Urgent measures are required to strengthen its cybersecurity.
3. Venezuela: Final Cyber Safety Score: 42.15
Venezuela faces pressing cybersecurity challenges, which is evident from its low scores across all indices. With a National Cyber Security Index of 28.57, Cybersecurity Exposure Index of 19.3, Global Cybersecurity Index of 27.06, and Cyber Resilience Index of 80.10, Venezuela’s cybersecurity infrastructure requires urgent enhancement. Strengthening defenses is crucial to mitigating risks effectively and safeguarding critical assets.
4. Algeria: Final Cyber Safety Score: 43.19
Algeria grapples with growing cyber threats, underscored by its suboptimal scores across key metrics. With a National Cyber Security Index of 33.77, Cybersecurity Exposure Index of 27.9, Global Cybersecurity Index of 33.95, and Cyber Resilience Index of 67.72, Algeria needs concerted efforts to bolster cyber defenses and mitigate risks effectively.
5. Ecuador: Final Cyber Safety Score: 45.00
Ecuador’s cybersecurity resilience is inadequate, reflected in its low scores across all indices. With a National Cyber Security Index of 53.25, Cybersecurity Exposure Index of 34.8, Global Cybersecurity Index of 26.3, and Cyber Resilience Index of 73.89, Ecuador faces significant vulnerabilities to cyber threats.
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6. Kyrgyzstan: Final Cyber Safety Score: 51.99
Kyrgyzstan struggles to mitigate cyber risks, which is evident from its below-average scores across key metrics. With a National Cyber Security Index of 37.66, Cybersecurity Exposure Index of 30.7, Global Cybersecurity Index of 49.64, and Cyber Resilience Index of 75.62, Kyrgyzstan faces notable challenges in cybersecurity preparedness.
7. Sri Lanka: Final Cyber Safety Score: 53.21
Sri Lanka’s vulnerability to cyber attacks is apparent, with below-par scores across indices. Sri Lanka’s cybersecurity infrastructure requires improvement, with a National Cyber Security Index of 44.16, Cybersecurity Exposure Index of 25.5, Global Cybersecurity Index of 58.65, and Cyber Resilience Index of 75.48.
8. Panama: Final Cyber Safety Score: 53.26
Panama’s cybersecurity infrastructure exhibits vulnerabilities, with a National Cybersecurity Index of 50.65, a Cybersecurity Exposure Index of 43.1, a Global Cybersecurity Index of 34.11, and a Cyber Resilience Index of 82.58.
9. Armenia: Final Cyber Safety Score: 55.97
Despite efforts, Armenia’s cybersecurity resilience remains a concern, warranting strategic interventions. With a National Cybersecurity Index of 35.06, a Cybersecurity Exposure Index of 34.5, a Global Cybersecurity Index of 50.47, and a Cyber Resilience Index of 82.95, Armenia faces notable challenges in mitigating cyber risks.
10. Pakistan: Final Cyber Safety Score: 56.40
Pakistan’s cybersecurity infrastructure requires enhancement, with a National Cyber Security Index of 41.56, Cybersecurity Exposure Index of 24.5, Global Cybersecurity Index of 64.88, and Cyber Resilience Index of 79.81.
10 Highest Risk Countries for Cyber Threats Worldwide
Rank |
Country |
National Cyber Security Index |
Cybersecurity Exposure Index |
Global Cybersecurity Index |
Cyber Resilience Index |
Final Cyber Safety Score |
1 |
Bolivia |
31.17 |
21.7 |
16.14 |
77.33 |
38.39 |
2 |
Honduras |
22.08 |
39.7 |
2.2 |
81.83 |
41.24 |
3 |
Venezuela |
28.57 |
19.3 |
27.06 |
80.10 |
42.15 |
4 |
Algeria |
33.77 |
27.9 |
33.95 |
67.72 |
43.19 |
5 |
Ecuador |
53.25 |
34.8 |
26.3 |
73.89 |
45.00 |
6 |
Kyrgyzstan |
37.66 |
30.7 |
49.64 |
75.62 |
51.99 |
7 |
Sri Lanka |
44.16 |
25.5 |
58.65 |
75.48 |
53.21 |
8 |
Panama |
50.65 |
43.1 |
34.11 |
82.58 |
53.26 |
9 |
Armenia |
35.06 |
34.5 |
50.47 |
82.95 |
55.97 |
10 |
Pakistan |
41.56 |
24.5 |
64.88 |
79.81 |
56.40 |
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