BRYAN ACHEAMPONG: Was there a confrontation with National Security Operatives at Abefiti, Mr. President? – Owula Mangortey asks
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I am a Citizen.
I am a Storyteller. Am I a threat to National Security?
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Storytellers are a threat. They threaten all champions of control, they frighten upsurpers of the right-to- freedom of the human spirit- in state, in mosque, in the palace, in state security or wherever.
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Is that why I am a threat?
I rise to ask my respected Retired and Tired President Billy Akufo-Addo whether his Minister of National Security, KAN DAPAAH, has briefed him on a confrontation between Bryan Acheampong’s National Security Operatives and some soldiers in the Abetifi Constituency of the Eastern Region.
Your soldiers whisper that on 6th November, 2019, a patrol team of soldiers from 1st Battalion of Infantry (1Bn) intercepted eight (8) persons operating suspiciously in Kwahu Abetifi.
Your soldiers whisper that six (6) of the suspiciois persons were dressed in typical official military camouflage fatigue and carrying AK 47s.
Your soldiers whisper that a confrontation and shoot out was avoided when Bryan Acheampong, the Minister of State for National Security and MP for Abetifi confirmed that the suspicious characters were his “boys.”
Your Excellency, will you order an investigation into this incident to dispel the view that Bryan Acheampong, and for that matter your government has acquired several military accoutrements to arm vigilantes and hoodlums?
My respected Retired and Tired President Akufo-Addo, I expected your scripted robot Information Minister to have quickly doused the flames of the following murmurings in the Security and Intelligence community:
(1). Is it true that Opana summoned all his top security gurus and asked them to be frank about what the outcome of the 2020 elections will be?
(2). Is it true that they responded that by their investigation and research the Elephant will be handed a humiliating thrashing in THE YEAR OF SHAME?
(3). Is it true that Opana said he will not hand over it it happens?
(4). Is it true that the room went quiet after Opana’s statement?
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Your Excellency, I will respectfully urge your Defence Intelligence Chief, Brigadier- General Andoh to constantly keep his ears to the ground in the barracks.
Your Excellency, can KAN DAPAAH explain why you are so NAKED at your Kyebi Dokua Asuaye
Your neighbours say you no longer sleep in Kyebi when you travel to your hometown. Where do you sleep, Sir?
Can you confirm that because you do not sleep in Kyebi, that is the reason for
the sort of wretched security presence at your Kyebi residence?
Your Executive Secretary, Nana Asante Bediatuo, doubles as a respected traditional ruler at the Okyenehene’s court.
How come any person can easily walk in and out of Bediatuo’s private residence near the Kyebi Presbyterian Church (see the attached pictures).
Your Excellency, your brain- dead, bread-hungry, self-confessed wee-smoking mouth piece was all over the JOY noise- box some weeks ago selling a yarn that some suspected iconoclasts conspired to kidnap the President and the Vice President. How?
With such intel, why are your National Security capos not watching your flanks, especially your soft underbellies at Kyebi?
Recently, there were news reports that the Walewale residence of your Vice President, the celebrated Walewale Adam Smith, was burgled by some well armed persons.
How was that possible?
Has your National Security left Dr Bawumia unattended to like the forsaken barren wife of a wicked polygamist?
I am only a simple storyteller.
I Shall Retunr (sic).
Owula Mangortey
NDC Branch Secretary
Full Gospel Church Branch
Shai-Osudoku Constituency
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