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As covid-19 pandemic grows in Ghana, Akufo-Addo’s FSHS…
As the coronavirus pandemic hit the doldrums, President Akufo-Addo looked frustrated about his chances of winning…
How Mahama Government’s Prudent Social Intervention…
The social intervention debate will surely dominate our preelection political debate. Empirical evidence has shown…
25 Years after Kumepreko: Ghanaians describe Akufo-Addo as a…
When one with honey words but evil mind persuades the mob, great woes befall the state- Euripides, Orestes.
Decision Making under Uncertainties of COVID 19 Pandemic
Sustainable Development Documentation Centre – SUSDEV Africa
22nd May 2020
Decision makers in Ghana are faced with…
Stigmatization: Consequential issues and the way forward.…
This is the final part (3) of an article on stigmatization. In the first and second parts, the target, sources and…
Stigmatization: Consequential issues and the way forward.…
Part 1 of this article discussed the meaning, target and sources of stigma with emphasis on physique, social group…
Stigmatization: Consequential issues and the way forward.…
This article is in three parts. Part 1 discusses the meaning, target and sources of stigma with emphasis on…
Deceptive Pre-election Practices, Deliberate…
The right to vote is a fundamental cornerstone of our country's democracy. The constitution of Ghana states:…
An Independent Political Platform for Ghana: The Right Time…
Ghana emerged from British colonial rule in 1957 with great hope and admiration by many nations, as the Black Star…
Post Covid-19: Ghana Needs Mahama’s ‘Visionary…
Almost no nation has been spared as the covid-19 has swept around the world. But the responses to the coronavirus…
Corona Virus, The Creative Art Industry & Mental Health
At a time of huge uncertainty across all sectors, many are trying to understand the ongoing impact of covid-19 on…