Coronavirus: Ask for Help Mr President
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It appears the topmost priority of our President and his team is how to spend the allocated 100million dollars on their 2020 general elections campaign.
I was shocked when I watched a video clip from TV3 depicting how porous our boarders are and the government on preparation towards combating the global pandemic confronting us. I realized that the security on our public toilets are more effective than our boarders at this crucial time. No one is screened, people move in and out of the country without any checks and all our President could do is to be going round asking us to pray, really? What kind of a 19th century joke is this…
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Today I can say with confidence that government has not procured even a single item towards combating the deadly coronavirus. What currently is at the disposal of our Health workers are the Ebola combating kits His Excellency John Mahama procured as we were preparing to combat the Ebola outbreak. John Mahama received commendation from the United Nations for his show of leadership and even used our emergency response center to save our brothers from other countries.
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I remember Nana Addo, then Mr. know all in opposition was shouting on top of his lungs, even as he struggled to and coughed incessantly that John Mahama was importing Ebola to Ghana, he called the latter insensitive and all other names
Today, the same Nana Addo is facing similar crises but because of his sheer ignorance, selfishness and wickidness he sat unconcerned for the crises to hit us. Our PRESIDENT as well seem to be full of himself hence never ask for help from anyone let alone his predecessor, John Mahama, on how he managed our boarders to prevent the disease from entering our country.
Today all our Health Workers are at risk, all health workers have been directed to run for their lives if they see a suspected case because not even a single nose mask has been procured by our government after the 100million dollars declaration.
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Today we are told as at the day our President addressed the nation, over 15cases had been confirmed but government was trying to manage the fear because of the impending New Voter Register exercise, had it not been some doctors who threatened to expose government, the health Minister wouldn’t have made that announcement. This clearly confirmed my doubts that government is prioritising the next election over the lives of the citizenry, a very unfortunate and unpatriotic display of greed, and evil.
For the sake of our innocent and hardworking health workers and we the citizens, I plead with our President to as a matter of urgency call President John Dramani Mahama and his team and plead with them to handle this crises which has overpowered his government. This is about Ghana and I strongly believe the John Mahama I know will immediately suspend his #SpeakOut tour, assemble his team and this crises will be well managed just like he did during the outbreak of Ebola.
Mr. PRESIDENT, make that call Now! Get off your high horse, eat that humble pie and call your “son”, John Mahama. He has the key.
I am Still A Citizen and Not a Spectator.
Efo Worlanyo Tsekpo
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