Dario Bianchi is also leaving MTN
He said in the post that he will take a few weeks’ break before moving on to new stuff in September.
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MTN Ghana’s Chief Digital Officer, Dario Bianchi is leaving the company next month, per his own LinkedIn post.
This comes just days after news broke that the CEO of MTN MoMo PBS in Nigeria, Eli Hini, who was the first MTN MoMo CEO in Ghana, left the company in June this year.
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He said in the post that he will take a few weeks’ break before moving on to new stuff in September.
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Dario has served MTN Ghana for over five years in at least two capacities – General Manager for Digital and Innovations and now Chief Digital Officer.
He oversaw the launch of the myMTN app, the generation of revenue for the Chenosis platform, launching Ayoba, hosting at least two Ayoba hackathons, and launching the first broadband e-shop.
Dario has been leading MTN’s march towards becoming a digital operator with some bold initiatives to migrate all MTN customers from USSD platforms to digital, a Herculean task that seem very far fetched.
During his tenure, he picked up a number of prestigious industry awards and his team also picked up several under his leadership.
Before joining MTN Ghana, Bianchi held various roles in the telecommunications and technology sectors, with experience in different markets across Africa and beyond.
Find below his full linked in post announcing his exit.
After more than five and a half incredible years, it’s time to say goodbye to MTN and to Ghana. I’ll be taking a couple of weeks off before embarking on a new adventure in September.
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It’s difficult to write in a post all the thoughts that are now in my head, but let me give it a try.
✅ The list of achievements is extensive, with many firsts in Ghana and within the Group. The launch of myMTN, generating the first revenue for Chenosis, hosting the first Ayoba hackathon, the first broadband e-shop, and much more. It has truly been an amazing journey.
👏 None of these achievements would have been possible without my fantastic team. We started as just three and have grown to nearly 30. They have been exceptional, handling all my (often unreasonable) requests with grace. Thank you all 🙏
⬆️ MTN Ghana’s success is driven by a talented and passionate group of people, led by an amazing Executive Committee and a great CEO Stephen Blewett. Their continuous support and drive made everything possible. As I always say, you can’t drive digital transformation without the support of leadership, and theirs was always unwavering.
🚀 Ghana is not just fun; it’s vibrant and full of energy. The startup scene here is unparalleled, the opportunities are immense and will miss this unique country’s dynamic atmosphere.
🏄🏃 On a more personal side, Ghana gave me the opportunity to discover surfing and to earn my first running medals. These achievements also hold a special place in my heart and will be forever a big part of my memory of Ghana.
🙏 A special thanks to my former boss, Selorm Adadevoh, because it’s his “fault” that all of the above actually happened 😀
Thank you, Ghana and MTN, for an unforgettable chapter in my life.
Medase, yɛbɛhyia bio
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