Dome Market traders happy about Kaakie Mann’s dismissal from office
“She is full of arrogance, malice and hatred. Our markets are in deplorable states. Businesses have gone down because of her interference in the running of the market “
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Dome New Market women and traders are happy about the dismissal of the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Elizabeth Kaakie Mann from office.
Elizabeth Kaakie Mann was among the 24 MCEs whose appointments have been terminated by the President.
Although no reason was assigned to their dismissal by the President, snippets of information is that, Elizabeth Kaakie Mann during her term as MCE stepped on many toes which generated heated enmity between herself and the market traders who have constantly called for her dismissal.
Not too long ago, the traders at the Dome Market were up in arms against the Elizabeth Kaakie Mann. They say, she is incompetent and is negligent of her core duties as an MCE. She is being accused of using taskforce of the assembly to harass and maltreat them and in some cases injuring them and she was accused of being an oppressor.
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The MCE, Elizabeth Kaakie Mann, according to the traders has not brought any development in the last two years she has been at post and there are no hope of the market seeing any development.
And instead of her concentrating on bringing progress and development to the welfare of traders, she has rather taken interest in creating division among the traders.
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The market women said they have suffered under the leadership of the Elizabeth Kaakie Mann. They made reference to a case in which she ordered for the handcuffing of a 60-year old woman by name Abena Fosua, over market toll collection. Abena Fosua was handcuffed, brutalized and taken to the Taifa District Police Command for no offence committed.
Her dismissal has come to the traders as a great relief as they noted that Elizabeth Kaakie Mann could not do the job because she has no experience and is not ready to learn.
“She is full of arrogance, malice and hatred. Our markets are in deplorable states. Businesses have gone down because of her interference in the running of the market “, a trader said.
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