Fix Yourself: A Manifestation of Political Naivety among the NPP
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Did I hear Akufo-Addo and his NPP guys saying, Ghanaians must fix themselves before calling on the government to fix the country? Eei, where was he after the 2016 elections? Did political power take him to Azerbaijan or Cosmonmkia after the “insincere and pretentious crusade” for economic freedom he waged during the campaign in 2016? This guy paa!
The question is, how much of himself did he fix in 2016, before calling on John Mahama to fix the economy? How much of himself did he fix before embarking on the 1995 “Kume Preko” Demonstration which registered the death of one innocent patriot of the land, Ahunu Honggar? Massa Akufo-Addo, who are you deceiving?
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This same man was everywhere giving platitudes of how he could fix the economy in only 18 months, should he become president. Today the best pay back to Ghanaians who accepted to heed to your “try me and see” plea, is to tell them to go fix themselves. You try well, well! You have done well. In fact, thank you wai.
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Even before we complete thanking him, let’s ask Akufo-Addo the question, How much of himself did he fix whilst in opposition, before making the claim that “y3 ti sika so, nanso ekom di y3n”. This guy paa, massa! In some other jurisdictions, this man would have resigned or been made to resign to save the atom size of honor left for him.
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This kind of pedestrian, arrogant Beer Bar pronouncements completely smarks of naivety and deficiency in the appreciation of “governance concept” by these so called lawyers in the NPP. If they were not that naive, they would have known that, if people had the capacity to fix themselves individually, there wouldn’t be the need for a government to be put in place at all. Would the people even bother to suffer the scorching sun to vote for a party a to govern? Governance as a practice emerged as a product of the function of societal inequalities. Simple! “Me kraa, wey I no be graduate sef”, I know this. Unfortunately, the “Harvard trained intellectuals” rather are calling on the poor people(the very reason why governance became necessary to go and fix themselves. Can you imagine?
These are politicians who claim to have the best of education from Harvard and Cambridge oo. Any way, we are not denying the fact that they were there, but what does one bring home if he went to the riverside with a basket to fetch water? Clearly, they only enjoined a privilege of affordability which they interestingly misconstrued to be an intellectual excellence! “Tweaka”!
This man Akufo-Addo should have resigned long time before being told to do so. Anyway, I personally knew he wouldn’t resign because “resignation” is for the brave, and not for cowards like we have in Ghana. Thank you.
7th June, 2021
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