Five Things More Valuable Than A Woman’s Body
Few years from now and you'll be faced with trials and battles as a Man and you'll need the support of your wife,
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Dear Bachelor,
If the major Reason you are marrying a lady is because she has a big frontal package aka Manchester united and a big behind aka Arsenal, then You are not in LOVE
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No matter what you think, if all you see is her physical assets then You are LOST in LUST.
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Here are 5 things that will matter more to any Man after Marriage than those things that naturally pull Men to Women.
Before you marry any lady, first and foremost, does she give you peace of mind?
Does she have the capacity to give you peace of mind?
Some Men don’t stay at home because of the woman they married.
They rather sleep in the office or at a friend’s place because they married a warrior at home.
Their homes now a war zone, the woman comes and puts enmity between the man and his family members. Everywhere War.
That she has a BIG CHEST doesn’t guarantee she’ll give you BIG REST.
If you marry a woman for those things, and she turns out to be a troublesome woman, you won’t even feel attracted to her.
You will hate her and those things that attracted you to her. So find out first.
Few years from now and you’ll be faced with trials and battles as a Man and you’ll need the support of your wife,
The kind of support not offered by her body.
The kind of support offered by her brain, by her hands, by her spirit, by her account balance, by her knowledge and exposure.
ASS is not ASSET
The Best ASSETS of a woman are not Physical.
Can she support you in prayers?
Can she support you financially?
Can she support you physically?
Can she support you with ideas, counsel?
Can she build with you?
A Woman who can’t keep her home.
Who can’t be the boss at home and marshal the resources of her husband and her own and that of the kids to turn a house to a home,
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A Woman who is out on Fridays to party and comes home drunk.
A Woman whose home is as dirty as a refuse dump.
You will take a look at all her big big assets that made you to marry her and suddenly, what you will see are big big liabilities..
If there’s anything any Man should not joke with, it’s how cooperative a lady is to him,
That will determine a lot of he will succeed or not.
How she embraces his vision,
How she shows capacity to be SUBMISSIVE, OBEDIENT and LOYAL.
There are ladies (even in the church) who hate Authority, the word “submission” repulses them.
They are naturally disobedient, stubborn, rebellious, and self governed.
Marry such a woman, even if her chest is bigger than River Niger, her waist curvier than a Coke bottle, and her back as large as the Congo basin, I give you one year (if you can bear for that long) you will regret marrying her. You go run.
A Man will always one day need his wife to play the role of a LOVER and on other days a MOTHER
To care for him.
To watch over him like a baby.
And when you finally realize that the Woman you married doesn’t have a motherly nature,
When she’s heartless and as cold as steel.
You will understand why our people say that “kakhi no be leather.”
So check now,
How does she treat children, how does she treat elders.
How does she look after you
This is not me trying to condemn any Woman because she is bigger in some areas than other Women.
I’d never do that.
This post is to my Brothers
This is me simply saying to my Brothers
“Look at but also Look BEYOND a Womans Body and Beauty”
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