GBC D-G refutes Sports Minister’s claim of $3m payment for African Games coverage

Prof. Alhassan expressed his surprise at the claim, noting that GBC was only brought into discussions about covering the event a month before it took place.

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The Director-General of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), Prof. Amin Alhassan, has refuted claims made by Sports Minister, Mustapha Ussif regarding a $3 million payment to the national broadcaster for covering the African Games.

Prof. Alhassan clarified that GBC only received $105,000, contrary to the figure mentioned by the Minister.

Prof. Alhassan made this revelation in response to remarks made by Mr. Ussif during a Public Accounts Committee (PAC) sitting, where the Sports Minister stated that $3 million had been allocated to GBC for its role in covering the games.

Prof. Alhassan expressed his surprise at the claim, noting that GBC was only brought into discussions about covering the event a month before it took place.

“Contrary to the $3 million figure mentioned by the Sports Minister, GBC only received $105,000 for the African Games coverage,” Prof. Alhassan stated.

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He emphasized the limited time frame within which GBC was involved, underscoring the discrepancy between the actual payment and the amount purported by the minister.

This clarification from GBC’s Director-General highlights the need for accurate information regarding financial allocations and payments, particularly in high-profile events like the African Games.

The discrepancy between the Sports Minister’s claim and the amount received by GBC has raised concerns about transparency and communication between government bodies

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