Ghana is a GalamState: Ghana has been captured by Galamseyers under Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government…
Ghanaians must end the State Capture of the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government so Ghana can be RESET and turned around into the GHANA WE WANT.
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Criminally-minded Politicians and Politically-Minded Criminals take over Ghana while Akufo-Addo and Bawumia decide to do nothing…
Vice President Bawumia has been campaigning with known Galamseyers and persons implicated in Galamsey and Galamsey-related Corruption to enter Parliament on the ticket of the NPP…
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The President has refused to declare a STATE OF EMERGENCY despite the calls by Health Experts, Labour, CSOs, and Ghanaians at large…
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The President has been making excuses for Galamseyers like Chairman Wuntumi’s Akonta Mining Company who were caught destroying farmlands, and forest reserves and poisoning rivers and water bodies…
President has refused to act on the Prof. Frimpong-Boateng Galamsey Report and is silent on the Aljazeera GoldMafia Documentary categorically accused COUSINS AND NEPHEWS OF FRONTING FOR PRESIDENT AKUFO-ADDO IN THE ILLICIT EXPORT OF GALAMSEY GOLD like Blood Diamonds.
Vice President Bawumia has been campaigning with known Galamseyers and persons implicated in Galamsey and Galamsey-related Corruption to enter Parliament on the ticket of the NPP.
EKOW EWUSI, CHARLES BISSIU, CHARLES OWUSU, PROTOZOA, GEORGE MIREKU DUKER and SAMUEL ABU JINAPOR have been cleared to contest to enter Parliament with their Galamsey-Gold-Dirty-Money.
Ghanaians must demand the ban of all forms of Mining but more importantly, the blacklisting of Galamsey Politicians contesting in the 2024 election and the arrest of the Galamsey Kingpins…
Sadly the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government is unwilling to fight Galamsey and is keeping those supervising the sector at post.
The Lands Minister and his deputies together with the heads of the Minerals Commission, Forestry Commission, and Lands Commission must be removed by the government or risk being chased out by Ghanaians.
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The 30th September deadline for the Nationwide strike in protest of the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government’s inaction on Galamsey looms…
Ghanaians must take their destiny into their own hands…
Ghanaians must use their thumbs on 7th December to determine their destiny and free Ghana from the stranglehold of the Criminally-minded Politicians and Politically-minded Galamseyers who are using Galamsey Money laundered through real estate and fraudulently allocated State Lands and Bungalows to achieve their State Capture agenda…
Ghanaians must end the State Capture of the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government so Ghana can be RESET and turned around into the GHANA WE WANT.
Ghanaians must be Citizens and not Spectators.
Ghanaians must not allow the Electoral Commission to determine the outcome of the 2024 election from their offices…
Ghanaians must insist on the Forensic Audit of the current Voters Register and the EC IT SYSTEM.
The National Peace Council must join the call for a forensic audit if they truly want a PEACEFUL, FREE, AND FAIR ELECTION.
Together let’s change Ghana to THE GHANA WE WANT.
By Prince-Derek Adjei
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