Ghana Police Fails: AriseGhana wins
The Public Order ACT which regulates the expression of these Constitutional Rights enjoins the public intending to enjoy the right to notify the Police at least five days prior to the date of the Special Event.
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Ghana Police Service rushed to court to restrict the Constitutional Rights of Ghanaians.
The Constitution of Ghana guarantees the rights of Ghanaians to Assembly and Demonstrate or Manifestations.
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The Public Order ACT which regulates the expression of these Constitutional Rights enjoins the public intending to enjoy the right to notify the Police at least five days prior to the date of the Special Event.
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NB: it is not a permit but notice.
The Police may however, proceed to court to prohibit such a Special Event…
The Ghana Police Service went to court not to injunct the AriseGhana Demo as they normally do, but restrict the time of the Demo and change the route of the Demo…
The whole idea of the politically motivated Police Court action is to frustrate the organizers and destroy any possibility of the Demonstration ending peacefully.
The organisers in their quest to have a peaceful and successful demonstration have cooperated with the Police this far…
The Courts too are being tested too.
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Ghana and Ghanaians eventually will be the winners.
…came to…
AriseGhana Youth for your country…
By Prince-Derek Adjei
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