Ghana wins bid to host independent journalism Fund Headquarters
The vision is to create healthy information ecosystems worldwide with access to media that upholds the public interest.
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Ghana has secured the hosting rights for the Africa Regional Headquarters of the International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM), marking a significant achievement in the nation’s commitment to press freedom and media independence.
The announcement was made during the Paris Peace Forum in France on Thursday, November 10, 2023, by the Minister for Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, alongside the French Minister of State for Development and International Partnerships, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou.
Following a competitive bidding process, the Ghanaian government has not only allocated a dedicated office for the IFPIM headquarters but has also pledged to extend diplomatic courtesies to the international staff operating from the Africa Regional Headquarters, to be established in Accra.
The office’s status is expected to mirror that of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) office, highlighting Ghana’s strategic position as a hub for regional initiatives.
IFPIM, a global coalition supported by governments, philanthropic organizations, and private companies, aims to address structural challenges facing independent journalism in low- and middle-income countries.
The fund seeks to contribute to the health and sustainability of democratic societies by supporting and strengthening independent journalism globally while addressing challenges faced by media outlets in such countries, promoting press freedom and independence.
Speaking to the press after the announcement, Mr Kojo Oppong Nkrumah highlighted the substantial benefits that Ghanaian media will derive from IFPIM’s presence.
The fund aims to enhance the media landscape by providing resources, expertise, financial grants, capacity building avenues, and technical support for local media professionals.
The Minister emphasized that hosting the Africa Regional Headquarters in Ghana will support the digital expansion of the Ghanaian media, aligning it with the industry’s digital evolution.
This decision aligns with broader efforts to support Ghanaian media and improve information integrity, crucial for the proper functioning of democracy.
The government commits to providing necessary infrastructure and diplomatic courtesies to ensure the smooth operation of IFPIM in Ghana.
Mr Kojo Oppong Nkrumah urged other states within the sub-region to enter similar partnerships with IFPIM, executing programs that support public interest media, emphasizing its necessity for thriving democracies.
At the Paris Peace Forum, a coalition of governments affirmed their support for IFPIM by approving the Statutes safeguarding its mission and independence and formally appointing its Board of independent experts.
Notable leaders in media and global development were appointed to the Board.
Individuals appointed to the Board include Maria Ressa (co-chair), Nobel Peace Laureate and co-founder and CEO of Rappler, Mark Thompson (co-chair), CEO of CNN and former CEO of The New York Times Company, Bettina Tucci Bartsiotas (chair of the Audit and Finance Committee), former assistant secretary-general and controller of the United Nations and Gina Chua, executive editor of Semafor and former executive editor of Reuters.
The others are Pascal Lamy, vice-president of the Paris Peace Forum and former European commissioner for trade, Stefan Löfven, co-chair of the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Advisory Board on effective multilateralism and former Prime Minister of Sweden, Nanjala Nyabola, noted journalist and founder of the Kiswahili Digital Rights Project and Julie Posetti, deputy vice-president for global research at the International Center for Journalists.
The formalization of the Statutes and the Board’s appointment mark a key milestone in IFPIM’s First Phase of Operations.
The International Fund plans to announce new grants to media organizations in its focus regions in the coming weeks.
The mission of the International Fund for Public Interest Media is to foster a paradigm shift in how public interest media is resourced, ensuring it is independent, inclusive, and resilient.
The vision is to create healthy information ecosystems worldwide with access to media that upholds the public interest.
IFPIM is a multi-stakeholder initiative designed to address challenges facing public interest media and scale up funding for independent, public interest media through a unique partnership between government, philanthropic, and corporate actors.
France will host IFPIM’s headquarters in Paris and provide up to €15 million EUR in support to the Fund between 2022 and 2024.
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