GHANAIANS ANGRY: Want more MPs sanctioned…

They moved their disruption agenda from the floor of Parliament to the Vetting Committee, refusing to yield or boycott but to disrupt proceedings through chaos and by destroying property including furniture and microphones used for the Vetting of Ministerial Nominees rendering the session impossible to continue.

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Constituents of the NPP MPs whose misbehavior at the Vetting Committee and violent actions resulted in the disruption of proceedings and destruction of property are calling for THEIR DISGRACEFUL MPS REMOVED FROM PARLIAMENT and Bye-Elections held to choose suitable replacements.

There was no Privileges Committee of Parliament at the time the offence was committed.

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The NPP is behaving the same way attempted to defy the President who had no Ministers, set up two teams to ensure security and an orderly collection of information on looted State Lands, State Bungalows and other State Assets to avoid the chaotic scenes following a change in government.

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The Micro-Mini Minority NPP in Parliament is gaining notoriety for constantly harassing women especially from the Volta Region.

Prior to the irresponsible acts of violence exhibited at the Vetting Committee by the Micro-Mini Minority leading to the destruction of public property;

The suspended Minority Chief Whip, Annoh-Dompreh tried to intimidate Ms. Emefa Hardcastle who accompanied a Ministerial Nominee to support him at his Vetting.

When she refused to be intimidated and stood her ground, the disgraced Minority Whip reused an apology and rushed to the floor of Parliament to report her to the Speaker of Parliament demanding she is banned from coming near Parliament, fined and imprisoned for allegedly calling him names; “Micro-Mini Minority” and “silly boy” which reference she denied attributing to him.

The Micro-Mini Minority Leader, Afenyo-Markin for two days tagged the Clerk to the Vetting Committee as an NDC member without any basis nor evidence and led his colleagues on the Vetting Committee to hoot at the Lady Clerk at the Vetting Committee after holding a Press Conference in Parliament to disparage her and swear to have her removed.

It will be recalled that the Micro-Mini Minority Leader had previously in the same week tagged another Voltarian, Barker-Vormawor as an NDC member without any basis nor evidence; which was refuted by the gentleman when he appeared before the Vetting Committee stating that he was a member of the CPP.

Instead of the Micro-Mini Minority Leader rendering an unqualified apology to these persons, Voltarians, the NDC and Ghanaians;

The Micro-Mini Minority doubled-down on their ego trip claiming to be a so-called “Mighty Few” who would do as they please…

They moved their disruption agenda from the floor of Parliament to the Vetting Committee, refusing to yield or boycott but to disrupt proceedings through chaos and by destroying property including furniture and microphones used for the Vetting of Ministerial Nominees rendering the session impossible to continue.

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The criminal acts of the Micro-Mini Minority at the Vetting Committee which was live on Television received wide condemnation and calls for stiff sanctions including prosecution by the general public whose taxes were used to buy these…

The Speaker of Parliament in defense of the dignity of Parliament; promptly took action by suspending four of the MPs most visible in the videos [for the minimum period of two weeks] prior to referring the case to the Police for a more thorough investigation of the incident and sanctions to others who may be identified.

Stiffer punishment including Criminal Protection, Expulsion from Parliament and Hefty Fines are being proposed by Ghanaian taxpayers to serve as a deterrent to others, whiles those found innocent duly compensated.

The Micro-Mini Minority has issued a Press Release challenging the Speaker’s decision to suspend/interdict some MPs following the disturbances, disruption and destruction of public property at the Vetting Committee.

Whiles the Micro-Mini Minority have a right to seek legal redress, Ghanaians are very angry and will take none of their nonsense and indiscipline going forward.


Constituents of the NPP MPs whose misbehavior at the Vetting Committee and violent actions resulted in the disruption of proceedings and destruction of property want THEIR DISGRACEFUL MPS REMOVED FROM PARLIAMENT and Bye-Elections held to choose suitable replacements.

Annoh-Dompreh who is in Parliament despite not winning the Parliamentary election is expected to be recalled from Parliament.

The Micro-Mini Minority are annoying the Ghanaian taxpayers and Voters by trying to make legal challenges and other justifications for their actions and trying to avoid sanctions.

CITIZENS ARREST OF THESE MPS MAY OCCUR IF THE NONSENSE CONTINUES as the Constitution and Criminal Code allows Citizens to arrest anybody including MPs who destroy Public Property…


By Prince-Derek Adjei

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