Ghana’s Mercenary Media: Responsible for Irresponsibility of Ghana Government and Ghana’s predicament
The Media, Civil Society and Moral Society supervised the Looting of State Assets and Lands over the years and in some instances directly benefited from the Loot or indirectly by getting paid by the Looters to look elsewhere.
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Most of Ghana’s journalists are Partisan, Politicians or Mercenaries whose only motivation is MONEY.
Ghana’s woes are traceable to the Media, who should in keeping with their constitutional role as Fourth Estate of the Realm, should have been playing a gatekeeper role and keeping the three arms of government in check.
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Ghana’s Civil Society and Moral Society are largely partisan, political and corrupt too.
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The Media, Civil Society and Moral Society supervised the Looting of State Assets and Lands over the years and in some instances directly benefited from the Loot or indirectly by getting paid by the Looters to look elsewhere.
The culture of reserving front row seats in churches and functions for thieves, robbers, Looters and audience to the highest bidder permeates the Ghanaian society and is rife in the Ghanaian Media space.
Ken Ofori-Atta was able to continue borrowing Ghana into its deep debt distress because despite warnings from people like Hon. Isaac Adongo from day one;
Media houses like Multimedia’s Joy FM and Asempa FM as well as Citi FM kept propping him and the tottering economy up via the “Databank Research” daily morning propaganda on their networks…
The sponsorship or advertisement from Databank and Enterprise Group including Enterprise Insurance was enough to keep these Media houses and journalists from stopping Ken Ofori-Atta’s digging Ghana into the ditch…
All these Media houses and journalists cared about was the Money, their next pay check, Salaries…
Similarly, many infractions go unpunished because of the connivance of Media houses or actively facilitated by gluttonous journalists.
Asempa FM Ekosiisen has been trying hard to clean up and cover-up the criminal act of State Sponsored Landguardism and Vigilantism by Clemence Gyato and Anyok Holdings which is facilitated by the Ministry of Lands and the Lands Commission.
The evidence of an Illegal Agreement between the Lands Ministry and the notorious Landguard Clemence Gyato and Anyok Holdings, a Vigilante group must not be glossed over.
The Joy FM Super Morning Show hosted by Kojo Yankson once promised Ghanaians it was going to get to the bottom of the Shooting incident at Legon-UPSA involving Clemence Gyato and Anyok Holdings when National Security intervened in his live show…
Citi FM and Citi TV covered the demolition exercises by Clemence Gyato and Anyok Holdings at Adenta where he claimed to have the support of government to demolish homes to park the seized Galamsey Excavators…
The Ideal College demolition and Assault cannot be wished away; especially after the Lands Commission Press Conference and the Deputy Lands Minister, Benito Owusu-Bio’s confirmation of the State Sponsored Landguardism and Vigilantism that occurred in that instant.
The media must insist on the immediate publication of the Agreement between the Government of Ghana and a Landguard or Vigilante Group after these had been outlined.
The use of Landguards by the State in contravention of the new Lands Law (ACT 1036) cannot be ignored.
The reclamation of encroached State Lands can be lawfully done using the Police and Assemblies not illegally using Landguards and Vigilantes.
The Greater Accra Regional Minister after the RAMBO-STYLE exercises at Agbogbloshie and other places where he used the Military is now using the Police and Assemblies to reclaim CSIR Lands, while the Lands Ministry and Lands Commission is still using Landguards and Vigilante groups.
The Regional Minister however, has been selective in his reclamation exercise which rightfully should have been led by the Lands Ministry and Lands Commission.
200acres of encroached CSIR Lands were reclaimed after the demolition exercise while arbitrarily 800acres of encroached Lands were spared with the encroachers to be granted the encroached State Lands by Lands Commission regularization of their documents.
State Acquired Lands and Bungalows are allocated to private persons depriving the Original Land Owners and the State these Lands fraudulently allocated by the Lands Commission.
The retrieval and return of these State Lands and Bungalows as occurred in Kumasi through E.I. 432 which returned 409acres of State Lands and Bungalows to the Original Land Owners, the Stool Subjects through the Asantehene in trust for the Subjects of the GOLDEN STOOL.
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The encroached La Lands in Adenta, Madina, Legon, Airport, Cantonments and Labone must together with the Kpletso Military annexed Lands must be retrieved and returned to the Original Land Owners, Stool Subjects of La through the La Mantse in trust for the Subjects of the LA STOOL.
The wrongful declassification of ecological areas such as the Achimota Forest and Kpeshie Lagoon area must be immediately reversed.
The attempt to use surrogates like Clemence Gyato, Anyok Holdings and a phantom Owoo family to steal lands must be thoroughly investigated.
The 1951 Supreme Court judgment in favour of La Stool and Osu Stool dismissed the claim of the Owoo family to the Achimota Forest Lands;
The media must be asking how come the Government of Ghana is purporting to give the Achimota Forest Lands to the Owoo family by an Executive Instrument, when the Supreme Court has determined that the Achimota Forest Lands belongs to La Stool and Osu Stool?
The media must also ask how an Executive Instrument was used to give away the entire Ada Songhor Salt and Lagoon to McDan and his Electrochem company depriving the Ada people of their Salt, their lands and livelihood.
Until the Ghanaian Media, Civil Society and Moral Society begin to act in the supreme interest of the people of Ghana, Ghana is doomed to further State Capture.
Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators.
AriseGhana Youth for your country…
People Power is the ultimate; Power resides in the People but must be sparingly used.
COLA STRIKES by Ghanaian Workers have proven that the Voice of the People, United in Purpose can gain the ears of even a deaf President or a Bankrupt Government.
Sri Lanka is a classic example of where Ghana must not get to, Ghana must take an immediate U-TURN.
The Media, Civil Society and Moral Society must start putting the National interest ahead of their stomachs, parochial partisan and political interests…
Stephen Ntim’s State Lands Stealing and Selling Scam while he was head of the Lands Commission as alleged by Kennedy Agyepong who claimed to be a victim, must be investigated.
The Special Prosecutor must investigate the long list of living Land Looters fraudulently allocated State Lands and Bungalows so his fixation on Sir John’s will is not seen as a witch-hunt.
Together We can rescue Ghana from the brink…
God Save Our Homeland Ghana.
By Prince-Derek Adjei
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