GJA issues elections observation guidelines for district level and national elections

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This is an Election Observation Guidelines developed by the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) for the observation of the 2019 District Level Elections scheduled for Tuesday, December 17, 2019 and subsequent national elections. The objective to develop this Election Observation guideline is to provide a common schedule for GJA members to observe the upcoming and subsequent national elections across the country. The information collated from this observation will be used to generate a report on the outcome of the elections. The following variables provide context and pointers for the elections observation:

1. Profile
This is to give background information on the area of coverage in the observation:

• Name of Electoral Area / Constituency / District / Region
• Number of voters in Polling Station / Electoral Area
• Other relevant information

2. Before Elections
This is to have a good idea about the level of preparedness for the elections by all stakeholders:

• Nature of preparation by Electoral Commission
• Level of awareness among electorate
• Level of involvement of the National Commission for Civic Education
• Level of involvement of the media
• Other relevant information

3. During Elections
This is to help give a vivid account of what happened on Elections Day by observing the role of all stakeholders:

• What time did election materials arrive?
• What time did voting start?
• What time did voting end?
• What time did voters arrive at Polling Station?
• What time were results declared at Polling Station / Electoral Area?
• Did losing candidate(s) accept the results so declared?
• If no (above), what reason did candidate(s) give for not accepting the results?
• What were the challenges association with the elections?
• Who was/were responsible for those challenges?
• How were those challenges addressed?
• Were security officers present at the Polling Station / Electoral Area?
• What was the security atmosphere in Polling Station / Electoral Area / Constituency?
• What was the voter turnout in the Polling Station / Electoral Area?
• Other relevant information.

4. After Elections
This is to find out what happens after the elections which may have dire consequences on the peace and stability of the country:

• What was the atmosphere of peace in Electoral Area / Constituency / District / Region?
• Were there any election-related problems?
• If yes (above), who was/were responsible for the problems?
• How were those problems addressed?
• Give your general comments on the elections in the Electoral Area / Constituency / Region
• Other

Members in the regions should send their reports to their respective Regional Executives for purposes of cohesion, validation and onward submission to the national office, excerpt for members in the Greater Accra Region who are requested to send their reports directly to the General Secretary via email: kofiyebo@yahoo.com OR WhatsApp: 024 427 5167.


Source: sharpnewsgh.com

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