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Hey Chef Smith: Your Tears won’t cleanse the Shame

You wasted 36 days of sleep, time, money, and health, all for nothing but shame!

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I’ve seen your remorseful snippets, the crocodile tears, the feigned regret. But let’s be clear: your apologies mean nothing in this context. No amount of “sorry” can wipe away the shame you’ve brought upon yourself, your kinsmen, and Ghana as a whole. Your tears, coupled with hollow apologies, can’t restore the dignity tarnished by your deceitful antics in the Guinness World Records (GWR) cooking marathon.

Your actions are utterly unforgivable. When faced with criticism for not waiting for Chef Faila to receive her results before launching your attempt, you claimed that you had applied ahead of her and simply couldn’t wait. What a convenient excuse.

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As if that was not enough, you commissioned a graphic designer to create a bogus award for you and mobilized the press to unveil a fake frame. What were you thinking when you concocted this unintelligent plot?

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I know you possess the culinary skills and strengths to complete this task with ease, so why resort to faking the entire cooking marathon? Your impatience and dishonesty have overshadowed any talent you may have.

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Patience is a virtue, one that you clearly lack. You could have simply bided your time and waited for your moment to shine legitimately. Instead, you chose the path of deceit, tarnishing not just your reputation but also the pride of a nation.

This is shameful beyond words. To atone for this disgrace, you must undertake a nationwide river body cleansing campaign. Perhaps, through such acts of penance, you might begin to wash away the stain of your dishonorable actions. But until then, your name remains synonymous with shame and deceit.

You wasted 36 days of sleep, time, money, and health, all for nothing but shame!

By Charles McCarthy

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