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Some residents of Hohoe constituency in the Volta Region have petitioned some key institutions to look into the election of the Energy Minister John Peter Amewu as the Member of Parliament (MP) of that constituency which saw many people disenfranchised by the Electoral Commission (EC).
According to them, the elections that happened in the Hohoe Constituency minus areas such as Santrokofi, Akpafu, Lolobi and Likpe on the 7th of December, 2020, “was ultra vires, unlawful and unconstitutional”.
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The petition has been served on Parliament, the Council of State, the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), the Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), Institute for Democratic Governance (IDEG) and the media.
The petitioners; Paul Dzamboe and Godfred Osei said “we are concerned citizens of Hohoe Constituency and voters in the Hohoe Constituency. That we believe that our laws especially law of Ghana must be respected at all times”.
According to them ” whatever election happened in Hohoe Constituency on December 7 to elect John Peter Amewu is null and void and of no effect”.

The petitioners demanded “that the Electoral Commission of Ghana conducts a fresh election in Hohoe Constituency to include all the 30 electoral areas or in the alternative, the EC must take immediate steps to create the new Hohoe Constituency and Guan Constituency and conduct parliamentary election in the two constituencies before January 7, 2021”.
Below is the full petition
1. We are concerned citizens of Hohoe Constituency and voters in the Hohoe Constituency. That we believe that our laws especially law of Ghana must be respected at all times.
2. That we want to draw your attention to what happened on 6th and 7th day December, 2020 in Hohoe Constituency. We hold the view what happened was ultra vires, unlawful and unconstitutional.
3. That Hohoe Constituency which used to be Hohoe North is creature of a statute and has electoral areas in Gbi, Alavanyo, Fodome, Wli, Gbledi Santrokofi, Akpafu, Lolobi and Likpe traditional areas.
4. That as a result of the creation of Oti Region and subsequent creation of Guan District (Santrokofi, Akpafu, Lolobi and Likpe SALL), the Electoral Commission of Ghana gave a directive that the people of Santrokofi, Akpafu, Lolobi and Likpe (SALL) should not vote in the parliamentary election in the Hohoe Constituency on December 7.
5. That lo and behold, the people of SALL were not allowed to vote in the Parliamentary Election in Hohoe Constituency which they are by law part of.
6. That we want to state here that your directive is unlawful and not backed any law.
7. That we want to repeat that Hohoe Constituency is a creature of statute and not created by mere words or directive of the Electoral Commission.
8. That Hohoe Constituency by law has 30 electoral areas which are as follows: Ahado, Tseivi/Adabraka, Tokoni/Trevi, Tokonu/Blave, Gbi – Bla, Gbi – Abansi, Gbi – Kpeme, Gbi – Wegbe, Kledzo/Atabu, Alavanyo Kpeme, Alavanyo Abehenease, Alavakpo Wududi, Agome/Dzogbedze, Akpafu – Odomi, Akpafu Mempeasem, Akpafu – Todzi, Adokor/Sokpo, Santrokofi – Gbordome, Santrokofi – Benua, Lolobi Kumasi, Lolobi Hunyeasem, Likpe Mate, Likpe Bala, Likpe Bakwa, Likpe Agbozume/Koforidua, Abrani/Kukurantumi, Fodome – Helu, Fodome – Amele, Wli – Afegame and Gbledi/Chebi.
9. That by the directive of the EC on the eve of the December 7 general elections dated 6th day of December, 2020, the Electoral Commission has impliedly and effectively reviewed the boundaries of Hohoe Constituency without parliamentary approval or any law backing it.
10. That per EC’s directive on 6th December, 2020, the new Hohoe Constituency now has 17 electoral areas comprising: *Ahado, Tseivi/Adabraka, Tokoni/Trevi, Tokonu/Blave, Gbi – Bla, Gbi – Abansi, Gbi – Kpeme, Gbi – Wegbe, Kledzo/Atabu, Alavanyo Kpeme, Alavanyo Abehenease, Alavakpo Wududi, Agome/Dzogbedze, Fodome – Helu, Fodome – Amele, Wli – Afegame and Gbledi/Chebi.*
11. That the Electoral Commission though independent had no power or authority to review the boundaries of Hohoe Constituency with a stroke of pen or by words.
12. That the so – called new Hohoe Constituency without *Akpafu – Odomi, Akpafu Mempeasem, Akpafu – Todzi, Adokor/Sokpo, Santrokofi – Gbordome, Santrokofi – Benua, Lolobi Kumasi, Lolobi Hunyeasem, Likpe Mate, Likpe Bala, Likpe Bakwa, Likpe Agbozume/Koforidua, Abrani/Kukurantumi (SALL)* is unlawful and unconstitutional as it does not even exist in the first place.
13. That whatever election happened in Hohoe Constituency on December 7 to elect John Peter Amewu is null and void and of no effect.
14. That since there is no law backing the so – called new Hohoe Constituency; we hold the view that John Peter Amewu is not validly elected as Member of Parliament for Hohoe Constituency.
16. Wherefore, we pray for the following:
i. That the parliamentary election held on December 7 in Hohoe Constituency without SALL be annulled.
ii. That the Electoral Commission of Ghana conducts a fresh election in Hohoe Constituency to include all the 30 electoral areas or in the alternative, the EC must take immediate steps to create the new Hohoe Constituency and Guan Constituency and conduct parliamentary election in the two constituencies before January 7, 2021.
iii. That Chairpersons of the Electoral Commission, the two deputies and other members of the Commission must resign for gross incompetence.
1. Paul Dzamboe
2. Godfred Osei
Dated Sunday 20th December, 2020 at Gbi – Kpoeta
4. IEA
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