How to Love your Spouse without saying a Word
Sometimes surprise her by getting things done without her asking
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1. Look at her when she is talking with you
2. Sometimes just stare at her with affectionate eyes. Stare at her as she gives a public speech, does homework with the child, takes a shower
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3. Listen to love songs with her
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4. Read from the same Bible with her when in a Church service
5. Sit next to her when in public events, family events at your parent’s or her parent’s
6. Kiss her without warning
7. Help her out with chores. Sometimes surprise her by getting things done without her asking
8. Watch movies with her, even if it’s just one movie once in a while
9. Signal at her she is doing well when she is doing something in public. A thumbs up, a smile, hand clap when she is making a presentation
10. Randomly massage her, especially when she is tired or complains of pain
11. Hug her when she is breaking down or getting emotional
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12. Kiss her body
13. Run your fingers on her skin as you look at her
14. Out of the blue, gently squeeze her hand when at the movie theater, when watching a play, when being driven in a taxi or matatu, when siting at an event
15. Put her scarf, dress, belt in order when it is out of place. Wipe away the smudge of lipstick or food on her mouth
16. Put your coat on her when she is feeling cold. Cover her with a blanket when she suddenly sleeps
17. Occasionally help her to remove her bra, unhook it for her
18. When you’re both busy working at home or reading separate materials, do it when you’re next to each other. Sweet silence is so precious when you’re both in the same room
19. Cuddle with her, especially in bed. Sleep cuddling
20. Greet her with your smile in the morning
When two people love each other, it shows.
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Still ur guy 👉PøPø pū lãr
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