Is Mahama Greedy as his Critics say?
Mahama has had enough indeed! Have those critics of his, in this regard taken the pains to peruse their political mentors and admirers around, who have been in Ghanaian politics since Adam’s era and are still in side active politics, grabbing left, right, middle, Centre, North, East, and West? What have they said of such people or what have they told them? So why Mahama? Please leave Mahama alone as he climbs his destiny-bound success ladder.
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It becomes so dishearting, appalling, sickening, and irksome hearing some anti- Mahama, Mahama-haters sing that unpopular tune “Mahama is greedy!
Their Ill-conceived Reasons?
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Mahama has once become an Assemblyman, Presiding Member, Member of Parliament, Deputy Minister, Substantive Minister, Vice President and finally President. So he should vamoose from Ghanaian Politics
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And So what?
In any case, doesn’t it ever occur to such Mahama critics that the Mahama may possess something unique in him, hence these imparalled feats, and that the Mahama must be a genius? In any case had these feats happened to their political admirers and mentors or themselves, wouldn’t they have sang their praises or blown their own horns loudest on roof tops? Or it is the question of what the Akans say “Wo Sene Wo Yonko a, ↄtan Wo” to wit, if you out weigh your friend he envies you? Or “ↄmama ho ye Ahi?” (The noble is oft despised)
What Thy Should Know
What I want to tell such Mahama-haters is that, “Obirekra ne Nyame no, na Obi Nnyina ho” (When someone was bidding his destiny good-by to his God, no one was there as Veep Bawumia would put it, “you and I were not there”. Also “Destiny once given is unteachable”. Therefore if Mahama, H.E, on bidding his destiny good-by to his maker, where you and I weren’t, why such cristisms which have finally been embedded in that unholy “Mahama is greedy chorus?” If his destiny is to climb the ladder of success the way he has done and is doing, no one can stop him. This is because that is his destiny. Therefore, no amount of ill –cristism, machinations, manipulations, maneuvers or simple malignment can bring Mahama down as, “what has been ordained can never be avoided!” “Song on than Mahama!”
He Has Had Enough, He Should Vamoose
Mahama has had enough indeed! Have those critics of his, in this regard taken the pains to peruse their political mentors and admirers around, who have been in Ghanaian politics since Adam’s era and are still in side active politics, grabbing left, right, middle, Centre, North, East, and West? What have they said of such people or what have they told them? So why Mahama? Please leave Mahama alone as he climbs his destiny-bound success ladder.
Former US president Donald Trump
Donald Trump is reputed to be among the richest men in America; and if one is so rich, infact, among the richest in contemporary America, one can imagine what that means.
Yet, Trump, in all his riches yearns to re-become US Presdent, come 2024, all the machinations, manipulations, maneuvers by his critics notwithstanding. So, if Trump, with all his wealth wants to come back into the US Presidency, what prevents Ghanaian Mahama, with his so -called perceived riches from coming back as Ghana’s President once more? “Song on Mahama!”
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But He Has Been There Before? “
Is it not said by the seges that “Experience is the Best teacher?” Also is it not said that “Experience surpasses experiment?” One will therefore want to ask that, with the having –been-there-before experienced Mahama and the experimentation of the experimentalists around, who is most needed in 2024, taking into consideration the current economic mess in which we find ourselves.
This Fallible World
The Good Book, the Bible itself has stipulated that since we are the descendants of Adam and born out of sin, we cannot say that we are sinless. Subsequently, in all our endeavors, we are bound to sin alongside. However, should we repent of our sins and beg for forgiveness, our father in heaven is just enough to forgive us our sins, were they even darker than coal.
Strangely, enough, some people in Ghana have arrogated to themselves the power and ability to judge others, as if they have been given the power of Attorney by God to Judge others, eii beii!
Mahama The Incompetent One
When he was in power, H.E Mahama was demonized, devilished, satanised, bastered, etc and described by his critics so much to such extent of some even calling him “The incompetent one” oh poor Mahama!! Now the so-called incompetent one leaves office and paves way for the competent ones; and what do we see in the administration of the competent ones? Well, it takes only the discerning Ghanaian to answer best, this question.
You Can’t Come Again
Now, like a player, say the captain of a team, who gets tired along the line and goes off the field of play in the first half of a game, he opts to comeback to play in the second half, after having observed the abysmal performance of his players while off the field, and the abysmal performers tell him “You can’t come back!”
What then awaits such a team in the second half? If it is not doom, then, what else can it be? Your answer is as good as mine. A word to the wise, they say is enough (if not in the North!) Subsequently with the maxims of the sages “Experience is the best teacher and Experience surpasses Experiment” who dare stand in the way of Mahama in his comeback bid? “Song on, Mahama!!”
By S.O Ankamah
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