Jealousy, Envy, Shenanigans, and a STAR called Francis Asenso Boakye
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I have the urge to say what would drown the conscience of the visionless in total shame, but I shall restrain myself with a small advice to what seems to be a trembling incumbent Bantama MP. You see, no matter how hard you try to restrain your bowels, the smell of your flatulence will expose the filth that has filled your stomach due to the bad food that you have been eating! I am neither mincing words at all nor doing anybody’s bid, but I am so disappointed about the lack of respect by some brothers and sisters in the upcoming primaries.
What is the honourable MP for Bantama afraid of? What makes him shiver, and what is giving him the jitters? Before he became a member of parliament, did he not contest the primaries against an incumbent? Has he not heard that trying to capture the Bantama seat is not a recent eureka moment for Francis Asenso Boakye, who is contesting for the third time? Has the honourable MP not learnt in primary school the age-old saying, “if you do not succeed try, try, and try again?” Is it not the mark of a stoic to be trying again and again and again until they succeed? Why resort to such gutter campaign as the incumbent MP is currently putting up by tarnishing the hard-earned reputation of Asenso?
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I never had the intention to support any side in the upcoming parliamentary primaries, but this time round, given the acidic attack on and desultory defamation of Francis Asenso Boakye, I declare my unfettered support for this aspirant. I will tell you why!
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Tescon is the ingenious creation of Francis Asenso Boakye and a group of comrades. If for nothing at all, the fact that the achievements of Tescon have helped bolster the democratic dispensation of our nation makes him a brilliant STAR! That notwithstanding, he has been a loyal student at the feet of President Akufo-Addo for years, learning wisdom and political skills from the same person we all revere and have fought to bring to Power. Wisdom, it is said, is a trait built in the genes, but left unnurtured, it will diffuse and become waste just as those who have been employed to engage in the smear campaign against Francis Asenso Boakye.
In all the years that I have known this young man, he has never harboured hatred for anyone, as far as I am aware. His innocuous character is defined by the sense of peace that he has had to portray in all honesty if he wanted to remain with Nana Akufo-Addo. Then again, he has the right to participate in the democratic process of his constituency. Nobody can point a finger at him and claim that he fought dirty contests in the previous primaries, so why should anyone malign Asenso now?
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I am totally disgusted with the recent stupid protest that was held against him as if he were a foe. In all honesty, I believe that Asenso will bring a measure of accountability to the constituency, and raise the bar of parliamentary representation to newer levels, hard to reach. In fact, anyone who supports foolhardiness against prudence will be doing sensibility a great disfavour by exposing their own foolishness! Parliament is not a lifetime appointment; it is contestable! So if the incumbent Bantama MP has the shivers because a political heavyweight is debuting yet again to contest and snatch the seat from him, he should rather campaign on issues and win the hearts of the delegates, the majority of whom have made up their minds to lift Francis Asenso Boakye high. You are your own curse and your own blessing; your own success and your own failure! It all falls back on the way you handle issues. If the incumbent Member of Parliament for Bantama sees a threat in Asenso, then he should reassess his achievements, if any at all, go back to the drawing board, and try to embellish his reputation with unity, peace, and a big heart.
Even though he will lose the seat to Francis Asenso Boakye, at least the loss will not be humiliating. But the pugnacity of the incumbent MP’s campaign will only make his re-election an unsaleable bid with far reaching reverberations. He will soon blemish his reputation and mar his future, although he is young with the prospects of a whole life ahead of him. After all, life does not end outside of Parliament! Was he not surviving before then? He should get himself a rewarding job or endeavour. Better still he should get himself a “life”!
Anka 3b3y3 d3n ayoya!
#4More4Nana #AsensoForBantama
Source: Fadi Dabbousi
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