Juaboso: Havilah City of Prayer is where Wonders Abound
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With the current wave of Christianity Crisscrossing the length and breath of the country, possibly in consonance with Joel 2: 28 and end-time period the people of Juaboso in the Western North Region have been blessed with a powerful prayer Center, which does not only imbibe the people with salvation messages, but also showering congregants with blessing and wonders, as their nagging problems get solved there.
Led by a young energetic and dynamic pastor, Rev. Gershon Gbedemah, Havilah City of prayer International Ministries is wrecking wonders to all whoever go there for prayers. Over 90% of problems sent there get instantly solved, depending on the congregant’s faith, as stressed by Rev. Gershion.
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Amongst the problems solved by Rev. Gershon’s Havilah Ministries are stroke, Diabetes, Fibroid, birth related issues, impotency, chronic diseases which have defied medical solution, spiritual matters of all sorts and many others.
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Also Rev. Gershion is blessed with accurate Prophecies which hardly fail. This came to light when this reporter, upon hearing of the exploits of havilah through a classmate, Mad. Margaret Nyame, went there to make personal verification.
Many are those who troop to the alter to testify to the solution of their nagging problems of all sorts after their encounter with Prophet Gershion’s Havilah City “The City of Gold, where God lives, and where members are ready to take over !”.
In fact, many and different are those who troop there to testify, cutting across that it will not be worth mentioning names here. Frankly speaking these testimonies and wonders are just mind-buggling that it calls for one’s own presence to witness things for him/her self.
According to the church secretary Amo Nyameke (Secretary one) and Junior Prophet Nyamekye, Nine (9) out of thirteen (13) prophecies predicted by the Rev. Gershion since 2017 have come to pass, Notable amongst them was the prediction of the invasion of the country to over throw President Nana Akufo Addo’s Administration, which came to pass recently following the arrest of some persons alleged to have plotted to overthrow the Government. Also outstanding was the intended impeachment of President Donald Trump of the US, following alleged lickage of information to Russia and the death of a former District Chief Executive of Juaboso. Also outstanding are recent ones involving motto bike riders who ignored the prophesy, thereby leading to the premature death of them. Nevertheless, those who headed Pastor Gershion’s voice got saved, as they came to openly testify amidst the wonderment of congregants.
According to Rev. Gershion, he is neither a magician nor a prophet of his stomach. Rather his prophecies came about as a result of the word of God, stressing that all who believe in God’s word see this glory as abounds in the bible that those who believe in the Lords servants shall see prosperity. Therefore, all who appear before his service, should follow with their heart the word from the Lord which he uses as a preparation grounds for their solution in all forms healings of all forms, release from the demonds bondage and many more.
Pastor Gershion maintains that whoever hears his teachings follows with his heart and prays fervently, and waits patiently for his salvation at the appropriate time is abound to receive his blessings, stressing that “God has time for everybody, and that if one’s time is not in, he should pray fervently and wait on the Lord.
True to the saying that “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown,”
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Gershion’s Havilah Ministries has not only become the center of attraction for the many trooping there for answers to their prayers and nagging problems, but also criticisms from already existing churches, which cannot understand why such a newly established prayer camp, established barely five (5) years ago, should attract such a teaming crowd. It is even speculated that some well established churches send spies there to spy on their members who go there for prayers.
All this notwithstanding Rev. Gershion’s Havilah Ministries appears undaunted in its bid to help people out. This secrete being embedled in it’s the watch word of the ministry “Ready to take over” !
Apparently seen in a spiritual mood, during his ministration wording and sermons, Rev. Gershion debunks such claims as having gone to Juaboso to snatch other churches members Rather, he proclaims that he has been sent there at this end of time period to salvage the people from bondage of all sorts,
He is however quick to point out that Juaboso is too small for his ministry, and that he expects a bigger and international forum where all will here of him and his exploits. Such declarations and proclamation from the seemingly – possessed young Reverend naturally meets with cheers and applauding response from the enthused and enchanted congregation, who have been taken in by his signs of healings, salvation and wonders.
In his avowed bid to achieve his God – sent mission to the people, the young and dynamic Reverend Geshion mingles Dynamism and modernism in his ministry with such attractive programmes as “Dancing and Singing squards” the involvement of all especially the youth in the service, with each one feeling part and parcel of the service available such leaders he refer to as “Mighty men and women” which he does as often as occasion demand.
To make his work more acceptable for the people, Rev. Gershion occasionally invites equally spiritual minded practitioners to assist him in his salvation and crusading drive. In this regards Rev. Ernest Akomaning of the Dadieso Methodist church obtainable on 02091197222 was not only made guest of honour, but also gracing the occasion by equally wreaking wonders amidst powerful sermon ministration and prophecy last month “all these are meant to increase people “ participation and also prevent them from being too alarmed at his mind bugling prophecies remarked Madam Margaret Nyame
In order to relieve the people of their nagging problems for 2019, which Rev. Gershion maintains is pregnant with numerous varying problems, especially starting from October, Rev. Gersion’s Havi;ah City of Prayer international Ministry is set to organize a grand crusade of salvation from October 26th to 31st 2019. This crusade is going to attract Men of God from far and near with his own father in law from Nigeria, name who is reputed with perfect accurate and unfailing prophecies and Salvation.
“it is gonna be wow”! come one come all to observe things for yourselves with your naked eye !! Rev. Gershion Challenges all especially those tormented by the devil while prophesizing that it is going to go gay and joyous, Rev. Gersion is quick in admonishing Christians against hopping from one pastor to another, since that could be dangerous, with its concomitant problems :keep to one pastor he charged.
Source: S.O. Ankamah, Sefwi Juaboso, W/N Region
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