Juaboso: Woman gives Joy to the Aged @ X’mas

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Female philanthropist, Faustina Daniels put smiles on the faces of the aged, orphans, the disabled and destitute at Juaboso in the Western North Region this Christmas Season.

At least 140 people benefited from her largess during this programme which took place at the premises of the Church of Pentecost at Juaboso on December 28th 2020.

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The beneficiaries were drawn from nearby towns like Afere, Antobia, Nkwanta, Juaboso and its environs, and transported to the Venue for the Programme at the expense of Faustina Foundation, Madam Daniels disclosed.

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According to her, it cost the foundation not less than GH¢6000.00 as her Foundation donated GH¢3000.00, with the extra amount coming from supporting donors.

She indicated that she initially planned for 120 beneficiaries comprising mostly aged women ranging from 70-90 years, as well as some orphans and some disabled persons. However, along the line, some aged men joined the Frey and since they could not be driven away, they had to be taken care of thereby augmenting the estimated cost for the 120 initial beneficiaries. ‘‘At the end of the day, about 20 extra beneficiaries came on board, and they were all taken care of’’ she disclosed.

Why Donation

Madam Faustina Daniels pointed out that she carried out this exercise to give joy and sense of belongingness to the female aged in particular, who always been wrongfully been tagged with witchcraft. A situation, which she noted had sent most of them living in solitude and misery, even though they have contributed much to the society. She stressed that in her avowed determination to put smiles on the faces of such distressed and destitute lot, she had taken it upon herself to cater for them in her small way over the past six (6)years, doing it on mother’s Day and during this Covid-19 period, thus gladdening the hearts of many her beneficiaries.

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A native of Juaboso, madam Faustina Daniels pointed out that such activities are not common if not non-existent in the area Subsequently it becomes very difficult for people to understand and patronize or contribute financially. As such, she is always cash-trapped when it comes to such exercises. She has subsequently appealed to philanthropists and Kind-hearted people to come to the aid of her yet-to-be registered Foundation to help it bail out the numerous aged distressed and destitute lot in that part of the county and beyond.

Side Attraction

According to Madam Daniels, on one such occasion she subjected her beneficiaries to free eye-screening test at her cost. Also in this years programme, she invited expects to give advice, encouragement and insight to the beneficiaries so as enable them live a much happier life than before. These expects included, Pastors, Nutritionist, Disease control Officers (DCOs) Social Welfare Officers and many more (Optional speakers).

Music & Dance

Since the aim of this year’s get-to-gather was to give joy and love to the hearts, as was as put smiles on the faces of the these oldies, a musical interlude(period) was provided where they danced profusely, to forget their problems-solitude, misery, rejection etc. Apparently having been carried away by the fanfare that greeted the occasion, an old lady danced so –much that she left her walking stick behind.

By S. O. Ankamah, Sefwi Juaboso – W/NR


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