Let’s focus on our Mandate as Men of God – Bishop Appiah
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The Founder and Leader of Believers Anchor Chapel International (BACI), Bishop Dr. Samuel Essel Appiah, has appealed to his colleague Men of God to focus on their mandate as Prophets of God, which is to preach salvation and win souls for the Kingdom of God.
He explained that most Pastors of today are deviating from the purpose of which they were called into the ministry of God, some are going wayward as far as preaching the gospel to the poor, sick, and the vulnerable is concerned but others have also turned the House of God into house of business, where they make their Wealth.
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He quoted Matthew 28:19-20 to back his argument that to the effect that “the Bible mandate us as pastors to go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and, lo, I am with you always, even onto the end of the world”.
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Bishop Appiah who has been in God’s ministry for the past fifteen years was reacting to recent prophecies by some Men of God predicting the outcome of the impending general elections in 2020. He was speaking in an exclusive interview with ghananewsonline.com.gh in his office in Ashiaman the Accra Region.
“God will never visit a nation like Ghana to only reveal who wins an election while he knows the people especially the leaders are not leading an upright life that leads to God’s kingdom,” he stated while citing corruption as one of the disservice the country’s leaders are doing.
Also the Chancellor of Shepherd’s Life Ministry College – an institution which has trained, certified and ordained about 42 Ministers of the gospel, he challenged his colleagues not to be stomach and political party pastors who are only interested in the favor men will offer them. He also challenged them to uphold the integrity associated with the profession and work towards saving souls for the Kingdom of God.
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Bishop Samuel Appiah called on the various Principals and Chancellors of Bible colleges to monitor the activities of their students after graduation, revealing that his office has invoked the license of some two pastors who graduated from his college for not exhibiting good pastoral practices. He said there could be sanity in the ministry if other institutions emulate his actions.
“Let us be United as Christians with common destiny which is to proclaim and disseminate the gospel, rather than speaking for politicians”.
He also advised the youth to value their lives as they are the future leaders of the country.
“You should not allow yourself to be used and dumped by this politicians to cause violence as we approach this year’s elections,” he stated.
Source: William Dei-Gyau
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