Let’s Go the Joseph Way and Stop the Blame Game – Apostle Agbalenyoh Charges Ghanaian Governments
Apostle Agbalenyoh questioned why this blame game and post –shifting, when in all cases, every beneficiary government enjoyed the largesse of the IMF.
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The Spiritual Leader and founder of The Seventh Day Congregation of Theocracy, Apostle Dr. Kadmiel H.E Agbalenyoh has charged Ghanaian governments to endeavor to go the Joseph way, and stop the blame game.
He maintained that this blame game will not help Ghanaians and their well-being. Rather the governments should look out for the underlining problem that makes successive Ghanaian government run to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for assistance.
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Fourth Republican Governments and IMF
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In an exclusive interview with ghananewsonline.com.gh, Apostle Agbalenyoh observed that successive governments in the Fourth Republic, i.e. since 1992, have all been compelled to run to the IMF for Financial bail-outs at one point or the other.
This he attributed to bad planning; however instead of accepting their short falls in this respect they keep on blaming the governments they succeed of creating the enabling conditions that led them go to the IMF.
He indicated that President Jerry John Rawlings, even before becoming the First President of the fourth Republic in 1992, had run to the IMF for financial bail-out and direction, with such programme as the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) among others. Then came the President John Agyekum Kufour, after JJ Rawlings, who went to the same IMF for the Highly Indepted Countries Programme, popularly known as HIPIC. “And that marked the beginning of the blame game with Kufour Administration accusing the Rawlings administration of creating the condition for his (Kuffour’s) administration to go to the IMF”! Apostle Agbalenyoh observed.
He indicated that when the John Evans Attah –Mills/John Dramani Administration came, they also had to run to the IMF for financial assistance and direction.
“This time too, they had to blame the Kufour administration for creating the conditions for them to go to the IMF “he bemoaned.
The erudite Apostle, who is well –versed in Theology, World History and Current Affairs among others noted with regret that when the Nana Akufo-Addo administration came, they claimed they had to begrudgingly: continue with the IMF programmes initiated under the Mills/Mahama administration, with the claim that his (Nana Addo’s) will never go to the IMF, hence the slogan, “Ghana Beyond Aid”
“However, the nemesis caught up with the Nana Akufo-Addo administration and they also had to run to the same IMF for financial assistance and direction, which is still in suspense! He bemoaned.
Apostle Agbalenyoh questioned why this blame game and post –shifting, when in all cases, every beneficiary government enjoyed the largesse of the IMF.
He was of the Candid openion that there was something fundamentally wrong with all successive Ghanaian Fourth Republican Governments, which they had all failed to address, hence this blame game.
He intimated that this was bad planning and policy, stressing that If they had planned well and put in place good policies, the issue of perennial and ad-hoc run to the IMF, with the subsequent blame game could have been avoided all together.
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Where Does IMF Gets Its Funds From?
The Apostle was quick to point out that the International Financial Body, of which Ghana is a member, is able to reserve and preserve properly dues and contributions taken from member – states. This, he noted, was given out to members in time of need as bail-out and financial directions. “So why can’t Ghanaian governments do same?” he queried.
Minerally –Endowed Ghana!
Apparently being emotional and passionate the Man of God wondered why a minerally –endowed country like Ghana, should run forth and back with cup in hand to the IMF for Financial bail out! He could not phantom why God in his mercy and unparelled love for Ghana has endowed her with all kinds of natural mineral resources – Gold, Diamond, Manganese, Bauxite, Oil , Etc. plus Agricultural resources as Timber, Rubber, Palm –oil trees, Cocoa, Coconut etcplus agregarian lands should suffer for this fate!
Let’s Go the Joseph Way
Apostle Agbalenyoh, citing Genesis 41, urged Ghanaian governments and presidents in particular to emulate the sagacity of the Hebrew Joseph, who explained Pharoah’s dreams to him of the impending eras of plenty and scarcity.
He indicated that Pharoah in his wisdom, made Joseph, a Hebrew slave cum Prisoner prime minister in Egypt and through his well- planned policies, Egypt had Plenty to eat and even sell to the outside world during the times of famine or scarcity.
World Family Day?
Touching on the celebration of World Family Day the learned Apostle opined that family was two-fold –single family and united family. He explained the single family also was two-fold the widowed and the divorced on one hand, and the fugitive or run away husband or wife on the other.
He argued that in this celebration, the family or families should be well defined so that it does not make nonsense the celebration.
In his view, the celebration should be centered on “A United family” This he explained as the couple who have together lived over a number of years to bring up their children to a considerable and acceptable state or status, and are still together.
He hinted that he will organize a programme soon to award such united families who have lived happily together over a protracted period of time.
By. S.O Ankamah
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