Micro-Mini Minority to shrink: As Speaker Bagbin starts sacking Galamsey MPs…

The swift prosecution of all involved in Galamsey is very refreshing.

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The fight against Galamsey enters a new phase as the Speaker of Parliament and President threaten to expelled from Parliament any MP, Ministers and Appointees caught engaging in or involved in Galamsey.

CSOs have reported the Aowin MP to the Speaker of Parliament for his alleged involvement in Galamsey as claimed by the Traditional Council.

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The Aowin MP is likely to be the first to be expelled, if the Speaker carries out his threat.

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The Speaker’s attention is also being drawn to the Prof. Frimpong-Boateng Galamsey Report and the PartyuNuHiaSika secret recordings at the office of the Chairman of the Cabinet Interministerial Anti-Galamsey Committee of President Akufo Addo.

The swift prosecution of all involved in Galamsey is very refreshing.

Ghanaians must insist that those named in the Prof. Frimpong-Boateng Galamsey Report which includes high ranking member of the then government and party are immediately dealt with to serve as deterrent to others especially new government and party officials contemplating doing same…

THIS IS REAL STATE OF EMERGENCY AT WORK, not a mere announcement.

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This directive from the President and Speaker must be extended to the State Land Looting and Grabbing of State Bungalows…



By Prince-Derek Adjei

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