More than 501,230 Voltarians can’t vote in 2020 because they don’t have a Ghana Card
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- Jean Mensah, why thwart their rights?
I am a citizen
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I am the son of a gong-gong beater.
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I ask why Nana Akufo-Addo, Ken Attafuah and Jean Mensah are plotting to thwart 501,230 Voltarians from voting?
Jean Mensah says to Voltarians, “NO Ghana Card, NO Vote”. The question is why? Are they not Citizens?
What have the people of the Volta Region done wrong to the EC and NIA to let them thwart their rights to register and vote?
What incarceration strategy has the EC and NIA activated to affect the peoples’ fortunes in the Volta Region?
Do you know the EC and NIA want to disenfranchise over 501,230 good people of the Volta Region because they do not have a Ghana Card?
The Electoral Commission of Ghana Provisional Code Book 2019 has registered voters of 887,906 for the Volta Region.
The National Identification Authority also has a total number of registered persons of 386,676 in the Volta Region.
Again from the figures, that means over 501,230 people cannot vote in the Volta Region? Why? This is not fair.
These people don’t have passports and don’t have a Ghana Card, so obviously they cannot register and vote come 7th December 2020.
Are they not Ghanaians?
Are they not 18 years and above?
What an inept reason to disenfranchise a Ghanaian for your parochial interest
Don’t they all have the right of a Ghanaian citizen as enshrined in our 1992 Constitution?
What was their crime to have a deficit of 501,230? Is it because their region is an NDC stronghold? What a shame?!
I respectfully advised President Akufo-Addo and Jean Mensah that the Electoral Commission of Ghana (EC) will not be allowed by the good people of Ghana to compile a new voters register by using the Ghana Card being compiled by the National Identification Authority (NIA) as a requirement.
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Further, I advised Nana Addo and Jean Mensah to be careful with the tangent they are following in other parts of the country.
Akufo-Addo and Jean Mensah should be wary of the voter register tinderbox they are setting in the Volta Region.
Why should Jean Mensah and Ken Attafuah decide who qualifies to vote? I wish I knew.
Your guess is as good as mine. They are all in the same soup of vindictiveness and capricious abuse of power to fulfill their agenda. Look at how the ladle is steering the thick soup. Very slowly; and that means there is trouble ahead.
Are they not Ghanaians?
Are they not 18 years and above?
Apart from those who just turned 18 years, majority of them have been voting since 1992 till 2016, and they must vote in 2020.
Jean Mensah and the Electoral Commission don’t have a right to throw them out of the 2020 voters register by virtue of changing the basic requirements of who a Ghanaian is.
If these people don’t have passports and don’t have Ghana Cards, it is obvious they cannot register to vote on 7th December 2020.
The people of the Volta Region will not allow this to happen to them hence it is either they are all given Ghana Cards or Ghana Passports or they will resist the compilation of a new register.
You don’t have a right to throw them out of the 2020 voters register by virtue of changing the basic requirements of who a Ghanaian is.
Akufo-Addo, Jean Mensah kple Atefua wo dzi bé yeoa vor mià Voltatorwó loo. Me kpor wo nyui3dé. Ame wó vordi. No na mià ké nku nyuie lo!!!
Voltarians and Ghanaian as a whole must rise up and resist any disenfranchisement.
Anyway today, the heat from the scorching sun is demanding water from an earthen clay pot and some rest under the great oak tree to reminisce.
But before I leave, let me borrow the famous plagiarized statement from His Excellency the President which impels me everyday “I am a citizen and not a spectator”
I remain the echoing voice of a village scribe and the son of a gong-gong beater.
TT Caternor
La Dadekotopon
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