UTAG NEC resolves to indefinitely suspend strike
“What we can say is that based upon the pleas of these eminent people, and then also the current situation at hand, we have been able to resolve our differences with the employer at the moment and also based on the assurances of the President of the Republic at the National Labour Conference that he is committed to finding a lasting solution to the problem,”
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The National Executive Committee (NEC) of the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) has resolved to suspend the seven-week strike indefinitely.
This resolution comes after UTAG’s NEC on Monday, February 21 temporarily suspended the strike action to make way for negotiations up to Friday, March 4.
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The Committee, at the emergency meeting at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA), also allowed the 15 chapters to vote on its decision.
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Though the majority – 12/3 – rejected the decision by NEC, it decided to return to the lecture halls from Friday, March 4 as a result of goodwill shown by major actors in the negotiation process.
“What we can say is that based upon the pleas of these eminent people, and then also the current situation at hand, we have been able to resolve our differences with the employer at the moment and also based on the assurances of the President of the Republic at the National Labour Conference that he is committed to finding a lasting solution to the problem,” National Secretary Dr Asare Asante-Annor stated on TV3‘s News 360 on the day the deadline elapsed.
“We hope that the current issues with the university teacher, issues of service, will be addressed. This is where we find ourselves.”
On Tuesday, March 8, another emergency meeting is said to have been held on the way forward.
“At the meeting, the NEC of UTAG received reports from the various branches in relation to the branch meetings held on Friday, 4th March 2022,” a statement jointly signed by National President Professor Solomon Nunoo and Dr Asante-Annor said.
“In general, the reports centered on the dissatisfaction of members on the arrangements put in place to address their demands. In this regard, the NEC of UTAG will endeavour to ensure that all concerns raised by members are reflected in whatever agreement to be signed between the Employer and UTAG.”
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By the statement, UTAG’s NEC called for calm and urged the members to accept the proposals as interim measures to ensure that they work.
“The NEC of UTAG promises to monitor and police the full implementation of all agreements with the Employer,
and to work with clear timelines and roadmaps to ensure that all promises and agreements are respected.”
‘Proactive’ vrs ‘Reactionary’
It announced that there will be no longer “reactionary” measures but rather “proactive” interventions so that matters do not get to resorting to industrial actions.
“After careful assessment of the referenda results, interim agreements reached between UTAG and the Employer, and the various branch reports, the NEC of UTAG resolved to indefinitely suspend the strike action of 10th January 2022.”
The Committee expressed gratitude to members for patience, support and pledge.
“We wish all well as we demonstrate good faith by returning to the lecture halls to teach and call on the Employer to demonstrate same good faith by being committed to all agreements to help maintain industrial harmony.”
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