Nigerians want to be free from APC and PDP – Uzoma Ahamefule
Nigerians want a change, and Peter Obi of Labour Party is our only hope of that new Nigeria we need.
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Like the figurative bloodstain on Lady Macbeth’s hands, no amount of water can wash the hands of PDP and APC clean enough from the looting, corruption, insincerity and misgovernance that have taken place under their supervision in Nigeria.
Nigerians want a change, and Peter Obi of Labour Party is our only hope of that new Nigeria we need.
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Don Williams wrote in his song:
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“Some broken hearts never mend
“Some memories never end (and)
“Some tears will never dry”
Our pains in Nigeria are immeasurable
The hearts APC and PDP broke can never be mended
The memories of their cruelties in many homes are devastating
The killing of our loved ones under their governments can never be washed away
Our tears of agony will never dry, until we are liberated
Yes, we crave to be free from the grip and shackles of PDP and APC
Our hearts ache and bleed for sleep has deserted us
All I heard in Lekki Tollgate were gunshots – Kpo, kpo,kpo, kpokpokpokpko!
Brouhaha reigned, shout of excruciating pains and cries
But what happened?
Don Williams sang:
Oh, “Some broken hearts never mend
“Some memories never end (and)
“Some tears will never dry”
They are selfish, very mean and care not
They hear our cries, see us in our captive holes, but they show no mercy
The more we beg for help, the more they even dig the hole
They are ruthless and unjustly decisive when we are involved
Steal, loot and crossover, your sins will be forgiven, one of them said
EFCC, ICPC look not their ways, we can only murmur and grumble
And all I heard in Lekki Tollgate was Kpo, kpo,kpo, kpokpokpokpko!
Don Williams sang:
Oh, “Some broken hearts never mend
“Some memories never end (and)
“Some tears will never dry”
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We tried to prickle their conscience, but they seem dead
The more we try is even the more we look stupid in their eyes
No matter how much we lament, they always try to justify our pain
We did it better than PDP or APC, both claim
The level of our agony become their benchmark of measurement
How we feel does not matter to them, all they want is just power
But we do not trust them anymore
All I heard in Lekki Tollgate was Kpo, kpo,kpo, kpokpokpokpko!
And Don Williams sang:
Oh, “Some broken hearts never mend
“Some memories never end (and)
“Some tears will never dry”
They feel no guilt, and the election time is here
They want to continue the exploitation, so they come to us
We have seen their manifestos, it is still the same old jargon
They make promises, the same they did not fulfill
They had told us four years university course would be four years
Alas, ASUU went on strike for more than seven months
Oh, they do not have shame, and my heart aches
All I heard in Lekki Tollgate was Kpo, kpo,kpo, kpokpokpokpko!
And Don Williams sang:
Oh, “Some broken hearts never mend
“Some memories never end (and)
“Some tears will never dry”
As Nigerians, we know no peace any longer
We are not in Ukraine, yet we are killed everyday
Our story is gory, and our pain is excruciating
But there will be no peace for any who murdered peace
We say no to PDP and APC’s misrule
Enough is enough
And Don Williams sang:
Oh, “Some broken hearts never mend
“Some memories never end (and)
“Some tears will never dry”
Uzoma Ahamefule, a concerned patriotic citizen, a purveyor of Obi/Ahmed presidential joint ticket, and a refined African traditionalist, writes from Vienna, Austria.
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