No student loan has been paid in the past three years – Kwesi Atuahene
The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) is currently facing some leadership challenges after its just ended congress held at Ejisu in the Ashanti Region.
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Kwesi Atuahene has indicated that, no student has received any form of disbursement of student loan for the past three years.
In an address, captioned “State of The National Union of Ghana Students” the NUGS President indicated that, the challenge of the Student Loan Trust Fund (SLTF) has never been a struggle for guarantor.
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The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) is currently facing some leadership challenges after its just ended congress held at Ejisu in the Ashanti Region.
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The Union has been dragged before court, over some activities believed to be unconstitutional according to the unions Constitution.
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Kwesi Atuahene, who was declared as President-elect for the Union through the Union’s official Twitter handle still holds himself as the President of the Union, despite a handing over ceremony held at the National theater, where the leadership of the Union was handed over to one Dennis Appiah Larbi-Ampofo.
Atuahene believes the challenge facing the disbursement of student loan has been a deceptive, illusive time frame of loan disbursement and questioned why workers of SLTF would be paid their salary for supervising over an institution that has failed at delivering its core mandate.
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