Offinso North: Constituents Chase MP Over Neglect but MP debunks Claims
“Look at our town roads, our markets, our toilets and sanitation which are in these despicable state! “They Bemoaned.
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Residents of Nkinkaasu in the Offinso North Contituency in the Ashanti Region have called on government to come to their and save them from their current state of neglect over the past 16years.
They could not phanton why Nkinksaasu, reputed to be the second largest town in the constituency with the highest (Over 70%) voting pattern for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) should suffer such an unfortunate and unacceptable neglect from the own government. They were, however quick in putting the blame squarely at the door steps of their MP, Augustine Collins Ntim, who they claimed had risen from assemblyman through DCE to MP all these donkey years. What is more, they could not phantom this unwarented neglect when their MP claims to hail from the town.
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“Look at our town roads, our markets, our toilets and sanitation which are in these despicable state!” they Bemoaned. They maintained that their MP used to be the Assembly man for Ebom in 2001. District Chief Executive (DCE) for Offinso North and South (when they were together) for seven months and Member of Parliament from 2001 till date” yet look at our plight! “They bemoaned further at the point of shedding tears. This came to light upon a short visit to the town recently at the behest of the embittered residents.
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Conducting us round their dismantled, tattered market, they claimed that, that Wednesday Market used to be the second largest market if not the first in the Region years back. But now it is in such that a deplorable state such that gutters weeds, animals have taken over, while some people also do their own things there yet the Assembly collects tolls from traders in this despicable market every market day! The yelled, adding that the market is now a pale shadow of itself.
Further conducting us round their toilets, which were nothing to write home about, it was discovered that some do not have roofs over them whilst parts were broken with concomitant stanch emanating from them engulfing those residential areas around.
A visit to their sanitation (Borla) grounds was just met with a mountaneous heap of garbage in these same residential areas.
MP, DCE Chop Sanitation Money?
According to the embittered residents, an amount of £25,000 was granted the town for the maintenance of sanitation. But the where abouts of that money has become a mystery to them with the District Chief Executive and the MP knowing best. Where the money is.
Town Roads and Gutters
It is an under statement, saying that town roads and gutters are despicable. “But if the roads are not existent what becomes of their gutters? They asked in wonderment.
Mp’s Version of Gutters
Pointing to some sort of gutters with no beginning and no ending perported to have been initiated by the MP they claimed that the MP had proclaimed that but for him they would never have seen gutters in Nkinkaasu Township. They claimed that recently a car got ditched into one of the gutters right in the town. When Hon. Ntim was contacted, he debunked these claims stressing that he has never abandoned anybody while describing these allegations as wild and a figment of his detractors, the MP maintained that he is development oriented and that is what he has stood for all these years.
According to the MP, every era has a unique leader appointed by God to lead the people. Holding this to be reminiscent of him, he maintained that his leadership was a calling from God. It is against this background that he chose to serve the people as an assemblyman through DCE to MP; and that he has left no one behind in terms of development. He was quick to point that he served as assemblyman even after graduating from the university.
Hon. Ntim maintained that because he stands for development he has the constituency at heart. As such, he intends to transform it from the constituency level to the District level and a secondary status in the Ashanti Region, i.e. the second best District in the Region.
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Subsequently, he has managed the constituency to become the fastest grooming one in the country. He indicated that it is for this reason that he has been able to lobby for much development in the constituency. These include schools, hospitals and many more.
The MP stated that education is very critical to him. This is because, it is through education that he has risen that far. As such, he has been able to raise the number of secondary schools from two to four. Also through his lobbying skills, he had gotten for the constituency, the Green House Village (one out of three in the country) the Rural Development College, The University of Local Governance Studies, the National Ambulance Institute Office of the NHIS and others. He stated that the Nkenkansu Senior High School, which is his baby, has the largest Administration block in the Ashanti Region under construction while the school roads have been given out on contract.
According to Hon. Ntim, the constituency is predominantly NDC because of the numerous settle – farmers there. However, as a result of his affability, and go – between character, he is able to win votes from both NPP and NDC. He pointed out that during Hon. Kofi Konadu Apraku’s term, the difference in vote for the NPP was 350, and that it was during his time that he has widened the gap to 1,500. “And the records are there for all to see!” he stressed.
He maintained that all the NDC was yearning to hear that he was no longer standing, and the seat would be a coo; chop for the NDC. Hon. Ntim also stated that it was because of his good works that he had on all occasions gone unopposed. And that was going to be the trend this time round as Chairman Wontumi would not allow anybody to contest him. All the same, if even 10 independent candidates stood against him, he would beat them all.
Hon. Ntim denied ever buying votes, stressing that he had been there all this while because of his good works. He hinted that the town roads at Nkenkaansu had been awarded on contract. However, for lack of funds, they had not seen the light of the story. Nevertheless, before the close of 2024, they would have been executed.
Asked if it was true that he hailed from Nsuta and not Nkenkaansu, he admitted that yes, he hails from Nsuta; he was born and bred at Nkenkaansu and as the 1992 Constitution stipulates, anyone who dwells at a particular place for five years qualifies to be MP there. “That is why we have no Gas as MPS even in Accra, and all over the country. What is more my wife and children all hail from Nkenkaansu? So who thinks of Nkenkaansu more than me? Or better still who actually comes from Nkenkaansu? After all, we are all settlers there”, he retorted.
Asked if it was true that he had been given 119 slots for his constituency into the Institute, Hon. Ntim laughed out, stressing that if that were the case, then he was even more powerful than the President. He pointed out that for the fact that the institution is at Nkenkaansu does not mean it belongs to the indigenes there. Rather, it is a national asset, shared by all Ghanaians. So how come he could get 119 slots. He maintained that he gave fourty (40) names and twenty (20) went through, stressing that was even a plus for him.
The MP stated that these are meant to be dealt with by the Assembly which collects daily tolls from traders in the market in particular. So it is with toilets and sanitation; he denied ever chopping anybody’s sanitation money and challenged them to prove it.
On the market, the MP hinted that because of the bad nature of the Wednesday Market, he is putting up what he called the “Daada Dwa” which has received great patronage. But even with this, people are saying all manner of things about it. All the same, he is not bothered the least, but will continue with his developmental agenda driven by his vision for the constituency.
Hon. Ntim indicated that no one can spoil him except himself. However, since he is not prepared to personally spoil himself, no one else can do it. “I am for peace, but when I speak”, he stressed.
By S. O. Ankamah
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