Opinion: DIGITAL DUMSOR, Dumsor Dumsor and Economic Dumsor: Bawumia’s Legacy…
Imagine the disruption in internet and other telecommunications happened or continued till 7th December, 2024?
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Opinion: DIGITAL DUMSOR, Dumsor Dumsor and Economic Dumsor: Bawumia’s Legacy…
Ghana is currently experiencing three (3) types of Dumsor under the Akufo Addo-Bawumia government.
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The tripple whammy has exposed Bawumia as a hot-air balloon.
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President John Dramani Mahama as Vice President supretended over the best Economic indicators Ghana has ever had.
Bawumia was touted as an Economic Whizzkid until he, as the head of the Economic Management Team collapsed the Economy and the Cedi…
President John Dramani Mahama inherited Dumsor which was due to low Electricity Generation Capacity and resolved to solve Dumsor and lay the foundation for Ghana to industrializion, Digitization and Employment…
In 2016, President John Dramani Mahama solved Dumsor and left Excess Electricity Generation Capacity which Bawumia instead of harnessing for industrialization [1d1f] called Waste Energy.
Bawumia aided some crooks to attempt stealing the Electricity Company of Ghana through a fraudulent Crony Company – PDS which sought to takeover the Electricity assets of Ghana for free…
President John Dramani Mahama, a former Communications Minister, set up the Accra Digital Centre, E-Governanance and other Digital platforms which Bawumia is cunningly taking credit for under different names…
#Aayalolo Tap&Go
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Bawumia has been very quiet since Ghana started experiencing the Digital Dumsor which affected all Telecommunications in Ghana bringing Ghana to a STANDSTILL…
Imagine the disruption in internet and other telecommunications happened or continued till 7th December, 2024?
Imagine the Electoral Commission had insisted on not using INDELIBLE INK FOR THE ELECTION ON 7th DECEMBER and their Biometric Verification Devices did not function?
Bawumia and his Running Mate Ursula Owusu must Speak.
Ursula Owusu said she used to insult President John Dramani Mahama any time there was Dumsor during his tenure.
Ursula Owusu is currently the Communications Minister of the Akufo Addo-Bawumia government…
Ursula Owusu said she experienced with Lesbianism but like Bawumia is yet to state if she supports the signing of the Anti-LGBTQI Bill into law.
Bawumia + Ursula
By Prince-Derek Adjei
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