Owula Mangortey writes again to 2024 Presidential Candidates John Mahama and Mahamadu Bawumia…

Re: Owula Mangortey is a Known Hireling of the CDS (Lt. General Oppong-Peprah)

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On 30th July, 2024, I wrote to the leading 2024 Presidential Candidates expressing my concerns about the implications to National Stability and Security of frosty relations between the Chief of Army Staff and the Chief of Defence Staff, and also among the top hierarchy of the Ministry of National Security.

I was in our beautiful Bawku general area, observing and monitoring security arrangements for the visit of President Mahama to Bawku, when my attention was drawn to a publication in Lt. Colonel Gbevlo Lartey’s newspaper on the same subject.

Curiously, Gbevlo-Lartey’s newspaper published my writeup (without my permission), and stated that “Owula Mangortey is a known hireling of the CDS (Lt. General Oppong-Peprah),” and alleged that it was the CDS who instigated me to write to draw the attention of President Akufo-Addo.


I really feel constrained to respond to the false statement by Gbevlo-Lartey’s newspaper, because once-upon-a-time, I worked with Lt. Col. Gbevlo-Lartey, under the retired former Forces Commander, the illustrious General Arnold Quainoo.

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Furthermore, I was prevailed upon by very respectable Statesmen to hold my fire in a response to the name calling by Gbevlo-Lartey’s newspaper. So, I am holding my fire until further notice.

However, let me state emphatically to Gbevlo-Lartey’s newspaper that I, Owula Mangortey, am not a FAILED NATIONAL SECURITY COORDINATOR! I was never sacked for inefficiency, ineptitude, wanton corruption, and reckless dissipation of tax payers’ money. No soldiers can dare ask me for their share of eight (8) million dollars received on their behalf from a telecommunications company.

May be, I should consider it a Badge of Honour to be called a KNOWN HIRELING OF THE CDS (LT. GENERAL OPPONG-PEPRAH). Go to Burma Camp and other barracks to find out which soldier in all sincerity would not like to be associated with Lt. General Oppong-Peprah? So, it may be all well and good for a mere civilian like me to be associated with the CDS.

It is common knowledge that I have written some articles criticizing the work of Major-General (as he then was) Thomas Oppong-Peprah.

I endeavor to be fair in interrogating Military issues because I place my country’s stability and security above any considerations.

So, when I noticed on my visits to the 5 regions of the Northern Axis that Thomas Oppong-Peprah was doing some great work for the safety, security and peace of the country, I wrote articles on my positive observations.

I never allowed political and other considerations to cloud my judgment.

I was informed by some ORs that when Lt. Colonel Gbevlo-Lartey was the Commanding Officer of the 64 Battalion, Thomas Oppong-Peprah was his Operations Officer. So, they expect that Gbevlo-Lartey’s newspaper should be trumpeting some of the achievements of Gbevlo-Lartey’s former 64 Bn comrade, including the following:

(1). Before Major-General Thomas Oppong-Peprah assumed office as the COAS, the nearest unit to the Upper East and Upper West borders to fight terrorism were located in Tamale: 6 Bn and Airborne Force. Check the distance between say Tamale and Paga and the consequences of the response time of any deployment to the borders.

Being a strategist, Thomas Oppong-Peprah immediately established the 10, 11,12 Battalions,

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and 155 armoured Regiment, mechanised with various locations in forward areas. These exemplary initiatives contribute to the safety and security of this country and help to bring stability in Doba-Kandiga, Bawku and its environs, and other near-border conflict locations.

One of my great joys living in Bawku since 2021 was when Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and Mr. John Mahama came to campaign in the Bawku general area. I noted the Military security outlay.

Specifically, in the morning of 3rd August, 2024, I noted that well-armed soldiers in a scorpion armoured vehicle – 20GA61 – were positioned directly opposite the main gate of the Bawku SHS, where there was celebration of the 60th anniversary of the school. Some well-armed soldiers were on foot patrol at the Highways area of the Municipality. I noted also that well-armed soldiers in a scorpion armoured vehicle – 20GA62 – were stationed at the junction of the road to the Bawku Naba’s palace. Three (3) military motorbikes with well-armed pillion riders were seen on patrol. A cobra armoured vehicle – 20GA20 – with several well-armed soldiers provided a heavy security outlay at the palace of the Bawku Naba, where Mr. Mahama had a closed-door meeting with the Kusuag overlord, and addressed the crowd of NDC supporters.

Later on, it was such an unbelievable scene watching an NDC jamboree, festive rally at the Daduri park in Bawku Central. Amazing!!

Comparatively, some months ago, Bawku was a deadly Municipality such that on two occasions when they were offered full military and/or Police escort, the Parliamentary Committee on Defence and Interior could not have the confidence to go to Bawku. They ended up in Tamale.

(2). Thomas Oppong-Peprah established the Army Peace Operations Training school, and obtained UN Certificate of Training Recognition in a record time. This means that the Military could train local and international units designated for UN Peace Support Operations. This also saw massive infrastructure roll out and training at the Bondase Training Camp.

(3). Thomas Oppong-Peprah   established the Army Special Operations Brigade, geared towards the country’s counter-terrorism efforts. It led to massive infrastructure development at the Army Special Operations Training School at Daboya.

Finally, I wish to state emphatically that if you remove your political lenses, you will notice that over the   past two or three years, the Military was the thin rope that held our pant from falling off to expose our fragile national stability and security.

Accordingly, based on my knowledge of the achievements of the former Chief of Army Staff, and now Chief of Defence Staff, may be, I must proudly receive this Badge of Honour from Gbevlo-Lartey’s newspaper that I, Owula Mangortey, am a known hireling of the CDS (Lt. General Oppong- Peprah).

Could Gbevlo-Lartey’s newspaper kindly publish the name of the office where they found my name and appointment letter as a HIRELING OF THE CDS, so I could go for my salary, compensation and benefits.

I shall return!!

Owula Mangortey


6th August 2024

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