PABF congratulates America’s president-elect, Donald Trump
Ahead of its team’s meeting with President-Elect Trump, the PABF in its congratulatory letter, expressed its willingness and desire to work with his incoming administration for the mutual benefit of both Africa and America.
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The Pan African Business Forum (PABF) has extended its hearty congratulations to Donald Trump, who was sensationally elected as the 47th president of the United States of America on November 7, 2024 in an election initially thought to be closely contested but which eventually turned out to be a clear victory for Mr Trump, thereby giving him a strong mandate by the American people.
The PABF is a private initiative, devised by high-level African statesmen and new-generation entrepreneurs, government and multilateral organization chieftains, academics, diplomats, professionals, and civil society leaders – to accelerate the socio-economic development of the continent, through a combination of carefully considered programs and projects. To do this it partners with the African Union, regional and global multilateral development support and financing institutions, sovereign governments and their agencies, public policy and economic management think tanks, the academia, the diplomatic corps, and the media, among other key stakeholders in Africa’s ongoing socio-economic renaissance.
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PABF sent a congratulatory message to Donald Trump, soon after his election was called, and before a direct meeting with him scheduled for the weekend starting November 7. In the letter, which was signed by Dr. Ladislas Prosper Agbesi, the Forum’s Chairman, the organization’s Executive Committee asserted that as the American people have just chosen Mr Trump to preside over their affairs for the next four years, it has no doubt that “He will continue to be a great and exemplary leader and will be successful in leading and serving all Americans and make America great again” as he promised in his election campaign.
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Dr Agbesi used the opportunity to affirm that “The Executive Committee of the PABF believes and hopes that Africa will be great again and prosperous through the Republican party under the leadership of President-Elect Trump and he will continue the great work of President George W. Bush as he has been one of the great presidents of the United States, to put a lot of emphasis on poverty alleviation, health, and investments, especially through his Millenium Challenge Account program.”
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Ahead of its team’s meeting with President-Elect Trump, the PABF in its congratulatory letter, expressed its willingness and desire to work with his incoming administration for the mutual benefit of both Africa and America. Assured the PABF’s letter “Our Executive Committee would like to reiterate that we are ready to support you during your re-election at the Presidency and we are ready to work with your new government with a view to strengthening the bilateral relationship between the USA and the African continent as well as in supporting America’s foreign policy on Africa as citizens and businessmen.”
It continued that “Rest assured that you may count on the PABF in providing support on your African agenda and strategy and that our organization will always be available to you if you wish for any advice and guidance.”
Importantly, Donald Trump’s oft-misunderstood philosophy towards Africa of getting the continent to unleash its energies and resources rather than simply seeking help from the rest of the world fits in with the PABF’s strategy of propelling the continent to optimize the use of its human and material resources as a fully-fledged partner in the global economy rather than rely on support from other continents out of sympathy for its plight.
By Oscar Ugoh, Abuja Nigeria
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