PAC targets 18 teachers for illegally withdrawing GH¢188K using fake certificates

Vincent Ben Ameyaw, the Amansie Central District Education Director, disclosed that a portion of the misappropriated funds has been recovered.


The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament has instructed the Ghana Education Service (GES) to launch an investigation into 18 teachers from Amansie Central who unlawfully promoted themselves, bypassing the established procedures of the GES.


A report from the Amansie Central Education Directorate revealed that these teachers upgraded their positions without the necessary documentation, leading to an unauthorized increase in their salaries. This action resulted in a financial loss of GH¢188,000 to the state.


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Vincent Ben Ameyaw, the Amansie Central District Education Director, disclosed that a portion of the misappropriated funds has been recovered.


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“We have been able to collect GH¢34,731.53, and we are left with GH¢152,966.54. We are actively working to recover the remaining amount,” Ameyaw reported.


He further explained the irregularities, stating, “We did not authorize these promotions; the teachers engaged in self-upgrading without going through the proper channels. It was essentially a backdoor affair.”

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