Parliament: NDC Caucus Slams NPP Gov’t over ‘Work and Pay’ 5G Spectrum Contract with ‘Shell Company’

The statement signed by the Minority Leader Dr Cassiel Ato Forson on Monday June 3, 2024, promised to ensure that government is held accountable for a more transparent transaction.

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The minority National Democratic Congress has kicked against the 5G spectrum deal with a private company NEXT GEN INFRACO, describing the deal as inimical to the interest of the country and non-transparent.

The NDC Caucus in Parliament holds the view, that at a time that the country is in dire need of foreign exchange and non-tax revenue, it is “unconscionable that the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government” will hand over the highly sought-after 5G spectrum of the country to a company the minority described as shell company, for a pittance.

The minority argued that the 5G spectrum transaction awarded to Next Gen Infraco Limited is a multi-year contract, hence must be subject to parliamentary approval per section 33 of the Public Financial Management Act 2016 (Act 921), wondering why government is almost concluding the deal at the blindside of Parliament. This actions according to the minority, renders the entire transaction unlawful, null, void, and of no legal effect.

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According to the agreement, NEXT GEN INFRACO would be the ONLY COMPANY to offer wholesale 5G mobile DATA and VOICE services in the country for a period of 10 years. Meaning all existing Mobile Network Operators and Internet Service Providers in the country cannot offer DATA and VOICE services to their numerous customers nationwide without passing through NEXT GEN INFRACO. The minority however disagreed with this arrangement calling it unfair monopoly.

The minority also believed that the entire agreement between government and NEXT GEN INFRACO is nothing short of lack of value for money. It said a value for money analysis of the deal revealed that the State could have generated up to USD400 million to USD$500 million upfront if the government had opted for a more competitive process. Revenue which could have been channeled into critical development projects in this time of economic bankruptcy and excruciating hardships.

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The statement signed by the Minority Leader Dr Cassiel Ato Forson on Monday June 3, 2024, promised to ensure that government is held accountable for a more transparent transaction.

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