Parliamentary Staff Protest against Outgoing Clerk Cyril Nsiah

Insiders have hinted that if Mr. Nsiah remains in his position by August, the staffs plan to strike in protest.

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Parliamentary staff members are in an uproar over the actions of their outgoing boss, Clerk Cyril Kwabena Oteng Nsiah, who was slated to take his annual leave before his official departure in February 2024.

According to sources within the Parliamentary Service, Mr. Nsiah was expected to hand over his duties to his Deputy six months ago but has failed to do so, continuing to act as the Clerk. Instead of taking his leave, Mr. Nsiah has been traveling internationally for reasons unknown to his colleagues and subordinates.

The staffs have expressed significant frustration, stating that Mr. Nsiah should be on leave in preparation for his retirement. Instead, they alleged that he is using this time to lobby for an extension of his tenure, a move strongly opposed by the parliamentary staff.

Insiders have hinted that if Mr. Nsiah remains in his position by August, the staffs plan to strike in protest.

Further grievances include a lack of staff development opportunities since Mr. Nsiah took office, with many employees claiming they have been unable to advance their education.

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Additionally, staffs report that conditions of work have deteriorated, citing unpaid overtime allowances and other issues.

Senior staff members have voiced their dissatisfaction, claiming that Mr. Nsiah has been the worst Clerk in the history of Parliament. Even newer employees, with only two to three years in the service, have echoed these sentiments, noting a lack of effective leadership under his administration.

Checks from Mr. Nsiah’s office by indicate that he has been out of the country for several weeks. The discontent among parliamentary staff continues to grow as they await his return and the resolution of their concerns.

Watch this space for more…

Source: GNO News Desk


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